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The Name Change, Can You Help?



Well, it's only a few days until I can change my name back and I am faced with a problem. Over my time as Adventuress I have found a liking for the name "Adventure Master" I seems cooler and more Mastery than "Adventurer" :P So I'll ask for some opinions, which is better:


1) Adventurer

2) Adventure Master


If you could choose one and say why, that would be great (yes, I realise most of the things I have named usually came out of a blog comment :). If you have an adventure related name, please tell me :happy:


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Keep it simple.

Says the man that named him self after a tasty sauce :P

I am soooooo gonna send you a flame PM for that. :P

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Adventure Master for the win! I mean, you could hurt yourself if you said the other name...


Adventerrrer...No, Adventurererrer...Adventurerer!! Augh! JK. :P

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As of when have Astromech droids have intentions of changing their internet alieses?


I will go for... hmmm.... option 3) Adventuro.



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As of when have Astromech droids have intentions of changing their internet alieses?


I will go for... hmmm.... option 3) Adventuro.




Well I do like Mexican food...

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