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ToM Dracone


I do seem to like using interrogative words as titles...


This time, it's what I would change if given the 2008 "Nuva" basic designs to work off of into Toa Nuva restyled... even though that doesn't use the word "how."


:: 8686 Toa Lewa Nuva ::


First, Nuva chest armor redesigned to appropriately fit onto an Inika or Piraka chest, then Nuva shoulder armor remade to attach like the Inika's. But keeping the overall smooth, clean shape. In silver.

  • Legs ~ lime joints with green (Lewa's original color) over them. I think I'd make the Rahkshi legs into green Metru legs, to prevent the long, spindly legs with a short, blocky body look he has now, but I might keep the Mantax feet...
  • Arms ~ uppers are lime short double-sockets (with the new Nuva armor on them), lowers green Metru legs.
  • Body ~ lime Inika body with green hips, and Nuva chest armor. I wouldn't say no to new a 7-wide torso piece instead of the current 9-wide one (not including shoulder balls).
  • Mask ~ Working off the Faxon-thing he has now, I'd bring in the cheek... turbines a little, then extend their top outer edge into a sweeping point like on the Miru Nuva. Add two similar points above to, again, resemble those of the Miru Nuva. I'm not sure about the color; either green or lime could work. Also, a clear visor instead of ice blue.
  • Tools ~ Keep the twin Katana, except shorter and a lot less huge-messy-and-spiky than the new sword. These would then attach to his back to serve as wings when he needs to fly – I'm not sure if it would just be through simple Technic pins or a construction like Hahli's Metru hip on her back.

:: 8685 Toa Kopaka Nuva ::

  • Legs ~ keep the shape, but the ambiguous grey would be quite definitely light bluish grey. White round Inika feet are glorious.
  • Arms ~ again, short light grey double-sockets with Nuva armor for the uppers, but light grey Vahki legs and white hands. The Vahki legs, though bulky, are so he can attach a shield to his forearm via this piece and a pin/axle piece, leaving his hands free for blaster and sword.
  • Body ~ white with Nuva chest armor. For wings, again the Metru hip on his back, with either a two-piece construction like Hahli's, or his wings made of a short double-socket and Hordika neck each, with a "feather" piece attached to each... Either way, they'd be posable, Bionicle-ized angel wings.
  • Tools ~ I'd keep the ice skate shape, but something akin to his original sword would be fine too. So long as he actually has sword and shield, and, little though I'm fond of it, blaster. Oh, that shield would be a white or silver 10-studs-wide System dish, the same appearance as his Nuva shield, only two studs wider.
  • Mask ~ Since I dislike the overall look and style of the "Akaku Phantoka," I'd adhere more to the Akaku Nuva in design. Most necessarily, a visor on the right side of his mask. And no lightsaber beam poking out of it.

:: 8687 Toa Pohatu Nuva ::


I'd keep his general build, just changing colors, since short-and-stocky is fine for Pohatu. Except for Mata Nui's sake without those shoulders...

  • Legs ~ brown clawed Inika feet, brown Piraka thigh armor, and yellow-orange joints and Vahki legs. I'd love to leave his feet and their spifftastic toe guards, but I think they might look too small with the rest of his new build...
  • Arms/tools ~ yellow-orange short double-sockets with Nuva armor, then I'd leave the lower arms the same. As I've said, I like the propeller-claws enough... though I'd be tempted to make the "forearms" brown or yellow-orange.
  • Body ~ brown Piraka body, yellow Metru hips, and Nuva chest armor...
  • Mask ~ give it a top half that continues the sweeping, curved look of the Kakama Nuva, which negates the need for a visor...

All of that would actually be reddish-brown, the color Avak had, which replaced brown at the same time as the greys were replaced by their bluish counterparts. But moot point. He'd be advertised as a yellow set, just like Hewkii Inika... I'm not overly fond of the brown/yellow combination, but I have severe doubts Lego would use anything else if he had any brown at all.



Of course, if redesigning the Nuva were left entirely up to me, I'd make Project Nuva, since that's what I would want. :happydance: But the above would actually look like redesigns, as the Nuva Phantoka supposedly are, instead of the near-complete transformation that Lewa and Pohatu look like they underwent...

~ ToM


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I agree with taking the bley out of everybody.

I don't think the Mantax feet work on Toa though.


Glad you want Lewa to have light green legs and arms.


Your Kopaka idea is good, especially with the shield attachment. And I guess we can't have Toa Mata feet, so the smooth inika are good.


Pohatu! Brown! Brown and keetorange doesn't look bad if you try it out. I like your ideas.



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Even though I like the Toa Nuva the way they are (accepting the switched eyepiece on Kopaka), this would make them even better. Though I think that Pohatu would look best with Avak's tan instead of yellow...

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Though I think that Pohatu would look best with Avak's tan instead of yellow...



That'd be cool. Maybe. If we aren't getting the old tan back. (Or because some more of that color would be nice for MOCing, but so would tan)


I've been thinking about what you said about Lewa's mask, and I think it should be light green, not lime. I've always thought that the color of the mask represents that Toa's main color. (Exceptions on Jaller Mahri, Dume, etc....)



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Sorry for the slow reply. It took a while (given the existence of homework) to make this:





Some of what you said wouldn't please me, but that's beside the point -- you posted a reasonable, thoughtful version of how you would make the Newva if you were in LEGO's shoes. With plenty of details to get the idea across. Folks, this is how you do constructive criticism. :)



Thanks for doing that, ToM.



And for what it's worth, a lot of it would actually please me. I wouldn't change Pohatu's colors; but that's me and orange. :P Dunno if you're interested in a point-by-point list of what I'd like in there and what I wouldn't, but if you request I'll post one. No time right now and you probably aren't. :P


A couple things I would/wouldn't do:


-- No brown, Avak or otherwise. Unless it was something like Carapar with orange or yellow melding into it. I'd want Pohatu to be as strong a seller as possible and brown in any form seems to be a weakness. (Though I love brown.) Not going to specify whether I'd make him yellow or orange, 'cuz I think we need to get results of this instance before we can judge orange's popularity.


-- I'd probably keep the "bley". My sense is, based mostly on my own tastes I'll admit so take with salt, that most fans like that color. I doubt changing it to another cool color would hurt too bad though. I wouldn't see something that superficial as a secondary color change as very important either way, especially since with silver kept it's really more of a tertiary color.


-- Kopaka feathers -- I still think a coolified airplane style wing fits him much better, personality-wise. (As in, probably cooler than what they made.) The kind of wing you suggested sounds more fitting for someone like Matoro than Kopaka.


-- Lewa's green -- I don't see using Mata green as necessarily a bad idea this long after its last appearance. Either way it would be a "new" color, as lime green hasn't been used in mainline Toa either (Lesovikk isn't a core six canister set).


The argument could go two ways -- on one hand, a mainline lime Toa to go with Lesovikk is both innovative, a "new" color for most fans, and for the ones that did get Lesovikk who may be more likely to be MOCers, more pieces in a color they already have which can be used for MOCing. It's also a little more eye-catching than Mata green.


On the other hand, I've never heard anything about Mata green selling poorly, and it would also be a "new" color for most fans, even newer than lime, plus a boon for older fans who still remember Lewa Mata/Nuva. So on that one I'd probably flip a coin, unless set designers or somebody showed evidence like focus data that one color or the other is more popular.




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