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Brawl #3





Pheonix Wright

Franchise: Ace Attourney

First Appearance: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Why?:Why not? That's what i say. Ever since someone brought it up in the Official SSB Topic, i've liked this idea. This anime-style attourney has been in about 3 hit games so far. Many owuld like this idea, including me. That's all i have to say on that.

Appearance: A 3D version of him would be..interesting. But it would be horrible if he was the anime-ish version used in the games.

Moveset: Well, I'm not used to the Movesets of SSB. I'm just getting into it, but i'll simply say moves would include yelling "OBJECTION", and using those hammer-things judges use.

Final Smash: "Court Dismissal"- PHeonix Grows huge, points his finger at his opponents, yells "OBJECTION", which causes alot of damage, then he takes a large Judge Hammer and smashes it down onto the characters, adding alot more damage. Yee!


So yeah, i'll make a content block with these soon.


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And we have 2 3rd Party characters so far, there are going to be 3. And I think PW is 2nd Party, no?

PW is owned by Capcom. He's third party.


And if we get a Capcom rep, it will be Megaman.



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If all games were on Nintendo systems, it would likely make it 2nd Party.

lol. If that were true, a few of the incarnations of Megaman (ZX and StarForce) would be second party too. If we get a Capcom rep, it will be Megaman.


PW is not owned by Nintendo in any way. He's 3rd party.


Pikachu is 2nd Party, because he was created by GameFreak and Creatures Inc., which are not actually part of Nintendo, but are owned by Nintendo.



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They pretty much have no chance. as Lih said, it has to be Megaman. or maybe Simon Belmont. the Castlevania series is pretty big in Japan.

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Megaman? ahahahhaa no.


Either Sora or Pheonix Wright..But now that i think of it, PW would be better as an assist trophy.

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Megaman? ahahahhaa no.


Either Sora or Pheonix Wright..But now that i think of it, PW would be better as an assist trophy.



Neither of them have any chance.


PW won't be an assist trophy. He's third party.



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