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Updates: College, Job, Blog, Brc, Rpg, Etc




Been a while since I've done a Dreaded Real Life entry, and figured I might as well announce a few other things along with that:


-- I've revamped tons of imagery and such for the Bones Blog. The cheesy example skull from this entry: Vector Art in Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy inspired me to make a real one. Not as an av -- I still like my avvie as is -- but for blog stuffishness like the main pic at the top of the sidebars. It's also used for the brand new Skull of Approval for blogs:


Omi and ToM have earned it so far. Lotsa past entries could win; haven't decided if I'm gonna do that or just award for new entries. Feel free to make suggestions, just like the bonesiii Gold Key to Nongu award for theories, except with this blog award, I decide purely on my own reasons. :) New sidebar content block added for that, listing winners. Note that it's blog entries that wins, not the blog in general, so you can win more than once.

Revamped my categories, adding "debate" and "coolified artwork", and changing "Other" to "Ectetera." The two guides to Powerpoint are the main things in "Coolified", as well as the Ruthless Elegance: A Visual Guide to Cool entry (one of my top favorite entries). Also cooler banners, standard for the six main categs, and three special banners for my main creative writing serieseses.

Lotsa more entries planned for the future. My free time and typing/drawing speed can't keep up with my ideas at the moment. :P I wanna keep posting them often; we'll see how that goes with evil homework and such.

Real Life:

In my final semester of college (fiiinally). Done with four semesters of German (I'm actually teaching Ojhilom German now; my homeschooled brother), done with vast majority of everything else. Taking a poetry workshop, which I'm shocked to find that I'm enjoying the most and the class is liking my poems. I might post some of my best poems here later. I think of myself as a prose writer, not a poet, but maybe I should think of myself as both. :shrugs: I'm learning fast; there's a lot to poetry that I never realized. BTW, that prof is hereby exempt from the status of evil professor. :P

The history methods seminar prof is not even close to exempt. Ugh, evil homework galore with that class. All this fancy stuff due with barely any lecturing at all -- how we supposed to learn if not taught? This is the main reason I'm not on here much getting things done. Also taking a senior capstone with the poetry guy, basically a workshop with info about publishing and such. Another good one.

Got a weekend paper delivery job now. Before this Friday, it took almost all of my free time on the weekend; literally out there walking from house to house from sunup to sundown on Sat and bagging all afternoon on Fri. Plus side is we're really popular with the bigwigs 'cuz we do a better job than most everybody else. Whole family helps, paychecks go in my name. Had to take it 'cuz my dad lost his job; he's in tool and die and that whole industry is just dying in our area. :( Thankfully, today he started a new job. :)

I enjoy it, so no complaints. It's not evil like homework -- with college I slave away at it, and I have to pay them rediculous summages so they can torture me. It's extortion, really. I'm lucky enough that I enjoy learning so I haven't yet lost my mind (I think :unsure:). Of course the pay isn't that great, but I work here for free. :P

I say before this Friday 'cuz the other paper in the area stole our two biggest advertisers, so technically the company I worked for ceased to exist, as it was a delivery company that included a newspaper and ad packs. But the newspaper is still gonna get delivered and due to being popular with the bigwigs I got hired there last week. Start this Friday, driving and throwing out at driveways this time instead of walking, and taking half a zipcode instead of a neighborhood. No idea what it will be like.

After college be over, not sure what I'll do other than just try to get some other job. So no idea how that will affect BZP time. I hope, hope to have more time when I graduate. One thing I am reasonably certain of -- I would prefer a job with no homework. :P (Had my prof tell me he thinks I'd make a good teacher -- when I talk, people listen. I suppose I would, but I'd have to grade stuff! :shrugs:)

Oh, BTW, I'm on the Dean's list at my college. I don' remember if I ever said that here. :P It's really annoying; they're always mailing me "Buy this fancy class ring! Sign up for this group that meets every week taking away what little free time you had left!" I wasn't trying to get on the Dean's list. All I did was my homework. The other students are the ones that decided not to get all "A"s. :P But whatever. It's cool anyways.

(In all seriousness, having no job until now helped. Most of my fellow students have jobs, and not just on the weekend, so it's understandable. I'm feelin' that pressure now even with this job and it's quite possible I'll have to struggle to keep a "B" in the methods seminar. Tryin, tryin... Last thing I would do is quit the job; I support the paper and they really do need reliable deliverers.)


There's another BRC topic in the works. Freetime willing, we should be able to get that sometime next month. I was hoping for October... we'll see. Nothing superduper amazing but it should be helpful. :)

Also tons of updates and stuff needed with the BRC existing topics, including many things that are my responsibility. *reminds self* Blame the evil profs.

Paracosmos Computer RPG:

The RPG isn't dead, it's just that all these other things are priority and progress is going slooooow. We really have the Le-Wahi update almost done and what's left is almost all Ojhilom's department, but he's got a lot going on too. I reeeeeeally wanna put that update online cuz it roxorz, especially the (only for now) Le-Koro minigame. My fav so far; both Ojh and I spend more time playing it than coding. :guilty:

There's also a lot done for the final level, and I loooooove that soooooo much, the rest pales in comparison. But also a looot to do; I'm torn between trying to get a skeletal version of that up, or putting it off so I can get just Le-Koro up. Hrm.


Did I forget something? Eh, probably.
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Congrats! You have just won Grav's imaginary award for scaring the heck out of him with your busyness! Feel happy!


(Do note that while Grav made up this award like two seconds ago and that it is totally fake, you should be very grateful. If you aren't, he will go make a real award and give it to someone else. Also, an imaginary payment will be due from you in two weeks' time.)


You earned it, bones. :P



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You have just won the EW Seal of Awesomeness and Other Traits!


Disclaimer: This award was created by EW Syndicate Inc. to celebrate the busyness of the said memeber, named bonesiii. This award does not under any circumstances denote any other specialities other than those of wesomeness and other traits, and does not, under any circumstances, make the said prson any better, smarter and/or cooler than the awarder. This award has been awarded under the circumstance that the awardee feels no ego after reciving this award and it can be taken away if any ego is seen. This award was given with a good heart. This award is given by way of EW's new laptop via a dialup internet connection. Some restrictions may apply. Not available in most blogs.


Anyways, do you think that you could make a seal for me? I want to make sure that the coast is clear before I send any templates... I have yet to ask Swert, but Zenith has no time... Anyways, no need if not. :)


You lead a far more exiting life than I do! :lol:



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Thanks. :P


What did you have in mind? No guarantees on scheduling but I'd definately consider it.



BTW, decided that I will award for older entries that are still somewhat recent (and are worthy, obviously). There are many, many blogs that I like that just don't quite have the kinds of entries I am looking for for the award, though, so don't think if you don't have it, I'm not reading -- I've got a fair few tracked now and I'm trying read more on a regular basis. EW's winning entry is a good explanation of why blogs are so great and why I wanted to get around to this. :)


Also, the usual evil clock excuse, and the fact that I can't see at all it's so late, etc. I plan on expanding the list quite a bit. :)

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Congrats! You Guys Turned Me Into A Sheep! :P


Disclaimer: This award is not only fake, but also illegal. If you are ready this, you are subject to random strip searches. You are also the legal property of Bill Gates.


Your busy, maybe you should get a butler monkey...or should I say, munkey :P

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Congratulations! You people's crazy ideas have given me a heart attack!

Your Nobel Peace Prize will be delivered shortly.



Back to sanity, the blog looks completely different now.

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