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Opening Again

Kallista ~ Little light


Sometimes days can be loaded with so much junk it's enough to wish you either didn't exist or were somewhere else far away from all that troubles you…




The previous night was promising enough. I did a pretty good picture drawn and got far in my practice homework. But once I finally woke up things started going down the drain.



First off I woke up late so Going for coffee with my mom before she went to work was out of the picture. Then the entire internet was locked so coming here was out as well. Then I got distracted from laundry by my little sister watching a pokemon video. Then I had to go to work.


Work was Ok. But dew to weird scheduling on my families part I had to walk home from work… Uphill… It took me an hour.



So yah, my current feelings= why haven't I stabbed myself yet?


Current music selection= Open wounds – by Skillet


Physical status= My dogs are killing me.





P.S. oh and to add on. I got to open at work tomorrow morning...


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Here, I'll make you feel a little better.




Yes, that's why I wanted to know if you read Matoran. All my blog approvals are in Matoran. :P


So yah, my current feelings= why haven’t I stabbed myself yet?

Oh, don't say that, the men in white coats will take you to the happy home before you can say "J/K!" :fear:


Where do you work? And how far is it from your house? Just an hour's walk can't be that bad, unless, you know, you were wearing stilettos or something. My five-hour middle-of-the-night hike from Dad's to Grandpa's was not that bad while wearing comfortable shoes... Didn't even need my inhaler.


But yeah, get some rest before you go to work... You've definitely earned it, poor girl...


Oh, BTW, I've been looking for my old desktop mic, instead of my current head-mounted one, so we can act out your avatar, IM style. :psychotwitch:


~ Tomi

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You'll be fine I'm sure, Ranna. I think we all have those feeling from time to time, just remember it's only for a period of time, and it'll get better.


Where do you work?


- :t::l::h:

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Here, I'll make you feel a little better.




Yes, that's why I wanted to know if you read Matoran. All my blog approvals are in Matoran. :P


:happydance: thanks!! it's so cute ^_^


You'll be fine I'm sure, Ranna. I think we all have those feeling from time to time, just remember it's only for a period of time, and it'll get better.


Where do you work?


- :t: :l: :h:


I work in Safeway in the Starbucks kiosk. I'm a Barista. So I was on my feet all day in shoes that don't have my inserts (My arches are collapsing) and walked UP HILL from there home after being on my feet all day.





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Well, I am glad you have not stabbed yourself yet. Stabbing = painful. But what do I know, as I am rather resistive to pain. :P


There will be good days when you feel like you have found the end of a rainbow and there will be days that you wonder why you have not,er, stabbed yourself yet.


You just had a bad day. *starts singing Bad Day*



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