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Out Of Curiosity...



How many Star Trek Fans do we have out there?


If you are a fan, what series (or movies) do you like best?


I'm a major Star Trek Fan, and I love the Voyager series. As far as movies go, I like Nemesis and First Contact.


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*raises hand stuck in 'Live long and prosper' sign*

I'm a Trekkie. I haven't seen any of the movies, but I like Classic and Voyager as far as series go.

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Use the Force....


Ok, I'm mostly for Star Wars, but I do like Star Trek. Can't we all just get along?


I watch Next Generation and Voyager on Spike, and used to watch DS9 when they played that too.

I don't watch much of the original because that's not on, but I enjoy watching it when it is.

Haven't seen much of Enterprise.


I don't think I've seen any movie all the way through.



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I'm the ultimate Borg fan too, that's why I like First Contact and Voyager so much. I've never really cared for the Original Series, but that's mostly because of the lack of good computer effects. I've never seen Enterprise, so I wouldn't know what to think of it.

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You're right, my Dad watched the Original Series when he was a kid, and he said that he was mesmerized by the show. It was top of the line in the 60s for sure.

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Originals totally. Picard is alright, but not really that neat. And I have no idea what (there is something, right?) comes after that.


My favorite episode would have to be "A piece of the Action."


There is a good Next Gen. one that I've seen the beginning of and liked. I have no idea on the name, but the doctor, as a result of something that went wrong in engineering, started having illusions of the crew disappearing and no one remembering the crew members' existence (as well as with the computers). My favorite quote from that has to be Picard saying, "We've never needed a crew before."

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You know, I know exactly what Next Gen episode your talking about, but I can't remember the name either. :angry: Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space 9 came out after The Next Generation, but I never really cared for DS9. I do, however, love STV, and I have all 7 seasons on DVD! :happydance: I guess I'm a part of the minority in saying that I don't really care for the Originals, but I still watch them with my Mom anyway (she's the other Trekky in the house). I watched the STV episodes: Scorpion Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 last night. They are the absolute BEST Star Trek episodes ever. They have the Borg and an even more powerful species in them. What's the species? Species 8472 (as named by the Borg). Sound familiar? Yes, that's where I got my (now previous) namesake from. :P

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