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I'm Going To Fail...

Kallista ~ Little light




I suck...

I'm so slow compared to everyone else in my class. I was still working on the furniture maps while everyone else was working on putting them in their rooms...


And My draft for my project is Terrible...


I don't think I can do it...


My heart is in my stomach right now... :(






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Awww that's ok Ranna. My squares always end up looking like Rectangles even if I use a ruler.


I can't even draw a circle right with the stuff in a gemometry kit...(spelling?)

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Tis alright, I can't draw a perfect square without a ruler. A circle on the other hand... *broods*


My tip: Ignore what the other people are doing and talk with the teacher if you have trouble. Also, listen to some techno/electronica music. It works wonders... actually helped me rush through a twenty hour project in seven hours (or finish it on the night before it was due) and get a B+ on it.


But yeah, just keep on going even if it is terrible. Sometimes the only way to inspire yourself to work is to push yourself. :\

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I think I know what the problem is...


*Draws series of lines on paper with varying methods*



I think I may have figured it out. Do you swivel your entire hand a bit when you try drawing lines, or just your fingers? When I do it I usually turn my hand a bit. And Try not to constantly erase minor errors, I know, I used to do that all the time; It usually leads you to drawing things out of proportion. Just draw a better version of the line or whatnot that you were trying to do, then erase the messed up one.


Also, unless you're only supposed to be drawing lines with one stroke, you might want to draw it over a few times until you get your reflexes right. And, try practicing at home, while you're not under pressure. And most importantly, try to be Relaxed while drawing. If you're constantly worrying about something, you won't be able to concentrate. Just calm down, and relax.


Oh, and another thing: When I first started drawing things in three dimensions, I started off with simple things like boxes and pyramids and stuff at varying angles. Not exactly fun or exciting, but it helps you to get your perspective right. It did for me, at least. One thing to remember is that the closer something is the larger it seems, and the other way around.


If that didn't help, try telling me how exactly you draw stuff. I might be able to help.





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Don't worry, Ranna, I'm sure you'll do fine...

You should've seen what happened to me when I took my first school art course....It was terrible.

My teacher hated me with a passion, and he graded on skill not if you tried hard or anything...and since I sucked at charcoal and watercolor paints, I got a C for the year....

The only section I did good in was the colored pencil project...anyway, I digress.

Just keep on working at it, pratice a bit at home and don't give up. I'm sure your project will come out fine.



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I'm actually making squares to draw a prop map and I was practicing/trying to use my shoulder like my teacher says to do. I was pretty relaxed. Trying to make sure everything looked just right... then I look up because our teacher is telling some other student to look around and see how other people are doing to better the learning experience and my heart drops into my stomach...

I'm not even finished mapping out the side of my chair... and everyone else’s looks great!

And I was picked up early so I couldn't work on it in the drop in class right after...

And I got noxious from how nervous/terrible I was...

If I'm ever going to be an animator I got to be allot better then this...


I got to go lie down...





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Don't worry, Ranna, I'm sure you'll do fine...

You should've seen what happened to me when I took my first school art course....It was terrible.

My teacher hated me with a passion, and he graded on skill not if you tried hard or anything...and since I sucked at charcoal and watercolor paints, I got a C for the year....

The only section I did good in was the colored pencil project...anyway, I digress.

Just keep on working at it, pratice a bit at home and don't give up. I'm sure your project will come out fine.



I ended up getting a D+ for Art last year because my teacher thought I cheated... My drawings where too different compared to the ones in class

Still hate painting.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll do fine. Just don't give up.

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I'm actually making squares to draw a prop map and I was practicing/trying to use my shoulder like my teacher says to do. I was pretty relaxed. Trying to make sure everything looked just right... then I look up because our teacher is telling some other student to look around and see how other people are doing to better the learning experience and my heart drops into my stomach...

I'm not even finished mapping out the side of my chair... and everyone else’s looks great!

And I was picked up early so I couldn't work on it in the drop in class right after...

And I got noxious from how nervous/terrible I was...

If I'm ever going to be an animator I got to be allot better then this...


I got to go lie down...



Don't be so self concious. Does it matter if your squares aren't exactly perfect? Just draw them the best you can


This is advice from someone who sucks at art. Its not down to the teachers or anything, I just can't draw for toffee :P. Thats why I use words to express the pictures in my mind

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