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A Little Something For Myself



Today was payday, and with my birthday coming up I treated myself to a...treat.


Gathered up a bunch of games I rarely play anymore (all my Dynasty Warriors games except 5, and the two LEGO Star Wars games....and all four Guitar Hero games), and went to Gamestop. Traded them in for a slick $150 bucks. Took that and picked up GHIII and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam (hereafter referred to as Gundam Warriors) for the Xbox360.


"But Torhu," you're probably saying. "You don't have a 360."


Well, that was the treat I was talking about. ;)


I have a gamer tag, but only GHIII can do anything with it. And that's only for the time being while I decide if I want to sign up for XBox Live Gold on a more longterm basis. For the time being, I'm more than open to start adding people who want to rock out for a month or so. I'm also looking for suggestions to fill the Online gaming portion of my life (something I'll slowly be delving into if I decide to go Gold).


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Hay-low? What is this Haylow you speak of?


Mass Effect may definately be worth picking up. But that probably won't be till the New Year. Crackdown, Rock Band, GHII, N3, Armored Core 4....there are a ton of games I need to look at. And with the cost of the system I'm a little low on fun money right now.

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As cool as XIII is going to be, the PS3 right now is apparently doing everything in it's power to make me not want it.

How bout this. I get the console. You get the game. And you can come over and stuff.


I got cheesy poofs. :)





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As for games, crackdown is good if you have a friend on live to play co-op with, gears of war is still cool, chromehounds > armored core 4, and obivion is probably cheaper by now.

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Crackdown is definately on my list. The demo was sweet. I enjoyed AC2, haven't played it in a while though. If it has online that'll be sweet.


I'm still looking for a good FPS, there's a lot of Xbox, and I'm not a Halo fan.

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Shooters? Well, CoD4 is out as of now, mass effect is kinda a shooter, and then there´s timeshift, the neglected child of the game industry. (I say meh to that game)

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Mass Effect soudns like a very loooong game. I'm sorta buried on those right now (Mario Galaxy, Rock Band starting tomorrow, DW:Gundam, Marvel Alliance)

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