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The Word Of The Day

Doctor Norik


Today's Word of the Day is: ECTOPLASM


Remember, the Word of the Day must be used completely out of context, and the sentence where it is used must be totally random. Example:


Dude, your ectoplasm ate my sandwich.


That ghost is made out of an ectoplasmic substance.


Okay, that's the word of the day. Now you need to know: the Word of the Day ends at 6:00 PM Eastern time, where it is replaced by tomorrow's word. I'll let you guys make it up. But on weekdays, it's made up by me, and my friend.


Oct. 31, 2007

Norik picked up the phone, and dialed the number to his frend's house who shall remain nameless and will be called Potato.

"Hello? This is NP. Is Potato there?"

"Sure, hang on."

Norik waited.


"Hi, Potato."

"What is it?"

"Well, I don't have any plans for Halloween..."

"I already told you, you can't come trick or treating with me."

"Yeah, well, you see, my parents won't let me go alone, so.... I'm kinda screwed."

"What about going with girl who shall remain nameless and will be called Chinchilla?"

"Her friends are moving away, and she won't get to see them for a long time, so they wanted to spend time together...."

"Oh, you know what, that's what's hapening here too. Sorry, Norik."


"You're confuzzling me."


"Stop being so confuzzled."

"I'm not.... Stop saying confuzzled."

"Why? Is it confuzzling you?"

"No, I.... Yes. It is confuzzling me."

"I knew it."

"So can I go over to your house or not?"

"I thought it was trick or treating."

"Well, I obviously can't go trick or treating with you if I'm over here and you're over there."

"Fine. Come over at 6:00. But my other friend's gonna be there, so it could be confuzzling."

"Oh, geez.... So, 6:00 it is."

"Right. On the dot. Not a second before or after, and not a jiffy in between."

"Now that's confuzzling. Good thing my watch has a built in Jiffy Counter."

"No way."

"Yeah. So what are you going trick or treating as?"

"Well, I'll be all in black..."

"So you're trying to get hit by a car?"

"Didn't we have this conversation in school?"

"I'm confuzzled."

"Me too."

"And what's with 'confuzzled', by the way? Is it like your new word of the day?"






And that's where the Word of the Day came from.








The Word of the Day, ©Norik's Prophecy/The Lost Prophecy 2007


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