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About Hooziwutzit

  • Birthday 05/29/1995

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    On mah compeh. =D
  • Interests
    Bionicle, reading, lego in general, hiking, soccer.<br /><br />Authors: Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce, Isaac Asimov, Phillip K Dick, and Fred Pohl.

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Hooziwutzit's Achievements


Tohunga (4/293)

  1. Hooziwutzit

    I Want Cat Food!

    That poster wins in so many ways. Five-dollar footlongs just acquired a whole new meaning.
  2. Yeah, must be. Haven't played that in ages, but when I did I couldn't beat it on parasite. People kept on shutting me out. Like Iceland. Those Icelandic people were just too smart for me. -Who?-
  3. Judging by your Maj account, when we convert to an alternate currency you'll be almost as well-prepared as Randall. That graph is pretty awesome, too. I don't know if your memes are as valid as his, though. Maybe not quite as mainstream? -Who?-
  4. Hi, long time no see! :-)

  5. Oh, it's out already? Well, my friend's getting it for the Wii and we're maybe getting it for the PC. Even after seeing the gameplay video, I still don't quite understand the objective of the first episode. Oh, well. I'm sure it'll be clear when I play it. He's also getting Spore, which I'm also looking forward to. =D -Who?-
  6. Smell. I know it'd affect my taste, but I like my other senses better. None. =( September Fourth. No. Wish I could, though. With a professional adventurer. -Who?-
  7. Hooziwutzit


    Is the old blog ever comin' back? *sniffle* (I has no ponies to groom.) -Who?-
  8. Neat name. ^^

  9. I'm surprised nobody mentioned agent "Double O RLY." =P -Who?-
  10. It's actually from a webcomic.

  11. Nice desktop. I like all the pictures, and have a contribution for your effort. I just made these for this purpose. I present... Hippos! The one with a black background is a gif and the other is a png.Hope you like them. Also, what's the program with the R2D2 quick-launch icon? -Who?-
  12. Entry #1 has to be my choice, although What's is good, too. -Who?-
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