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♥ The Week In Review ♥



So a lot of stuff has been happening this week, and I thought I might just recap everything for y'all.


Monday: Monday was the day that nothing very special happened, but I did manage to make two new friends at school who are so awesome. They're these two 8th grade girls, and I'm pretty much their dog (my hair is fluffy like a dog's). This day also was the day that now everyone pats me on the head as I walk through the halls.


Tuesday: Tuesday was again, not super exciting. But it was the second day of the week. The only interesting thing that happened here was that everyone decided they wanted to sign the dry erase board I keep in my locker.


Wednesday: Okay, so here's where the fun stuff begins. Halloween was on Wednesday, but I didn't do anything. I was going to go to a party at my church, but my best friend, and girl friend, Miranda called, and I wanted to talk to her.


Thursday: On Thursday things were quiet, but we discovered that the reason we've had virtually no homework, tests, or quizes this past week was because they're all taking place within the first three days of next week (one of them is even a mid-term). So it's pretty crazy. But my dad did leave to go to Brazil, so that made me happy.


Friday: Ah, beloved Friday; Friday was the favorite day of my week. The day in of itself was pretty cool, but I found out one of my new friends I made is my school next week because she's moving. But after school, my friend Joey came out. And for those of you who have read all my Guitar Hero 3 related entries, you'd know that he's the holder and possessor of my Guitar Hero 3 game until I got my Xbox 360 at Christmas. So pretty much he came over, and I continued playing my career on the game. Then I got bored and decided to do something fun: battle people online. The first two times I did Co-Op with people online for some reason, but then I figured out how to battle. I was on hard, and the guy I was battling was on expert (okay, this isn't the fighting battle mode, it's the batle mode where you just try to get a higher score than your opponent on Pro-Face Off). He was beating me up until the very last verse of My Name Is Jonas, where I activated a full Star Power meter and rocked all the way home: a win for ♥TAKi♥!


So yeah, that's my week. I hope y'all enjoyed reading about it. My hands hurt from typing for some reason. Probably because I don't like the keyboard on my dad's laptop, where I happen to be residing while writing this.




NOTE: I won't have Premier Membership for at least a week, so I won't be updating my blog for a while, probably. Just PM me if you need anything.


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