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Pet Peeve Contest -- Help Fight Survurlode!




Today the Bones Blog brings you a contest an information gathering drive about Pet Peeves, creatures that feed on things that are annoying. We believe they might be useful in the war against Evil Lord Survurlode, so we want to find more kinds!

All of the following is placed inside a spoiler tag, because our sources tell us that Evil Lord Survurlode and his minions cannot open these tags due to a glitch his own minions caused.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Contest Theme Research Impetus: You may recall my interview with the Chief Gremlin, one of Evil Lord Survurlode's highest ranking minions, in which he told us about his Pet Peeves, and mentioned there are many more. You can see all existing Pet Peeves in this art topic with bio info, including a new image of a Stolen Thunder.

We recently discovered through classified espionage that Evil Lord Survurlode is allergic to all types of Peeves, to the point that he can become unable to summon forth floods to swamp our servers when they are around him. The allergy gets worse with different kinds of Peeves. But we have a problem. I only learned of a handful of species in the interview. The Chief Gremlin has been unavailable for further comment, and his book on them keep getting eaten by the Plural Apostrophe's every time he makes a typo.

So we need you to give us any information you have about Peeves, which will help us find them in the wild and capture their smell for use in a allergenic weapon against Evil Lord Survurlode.

So, the question: What kinds of Pet Peeves exist? Do you own any? Have you heard of any?

Winners will ultimately be chosen by me, but I'll factor heavily "votes" if you comment who you would pick too. Winning entries will have the Pet Peeve idea drawn by me as Powerpoint vector art, and their names listed in a Winners blog entry. :)

Rules Research Methods Regulations:

1) Enter up to three species per person by posting a comment here.

2) You can enter a peeve concept someone else entered, as long as your concept is your own; i.e. different enough to not be copying. Be aware I'm more likely to choose the first enterer of a single concept than the second, so try to enter something new.

3) Post info; pics aren't the point of this. I'll draw the art -- that's the prize. :P You can include your own concept art but I'll make my own anyways. Please don't "vote" based on whether someone has pics, as not everyone has the time or capability.)

4) Add comments supporting anybody else's entries. These will be factored for (but do not guarantee) winning.

5) There's no set number of winners, but each person can only win once, not twice or three times.

6) No spamflame, etcetera.

7) Don't do anything bad.

Prize Compensation:

Winning Pet Peeves entries will be listed in a blog entry, and a new art topic once the Peeves are drawn. A permanent sidebar content block will be added to the Bones Blog highlighting the entries and the entererers. And you get a cookie.

How to Enter Survey Format:

Copypaste this format and fill in the info in placeof the bracketed explanations:

[b]Pet Peeve Species:[/b] [Name of creature.]
[b]My Name:[/b] [The name you want to be listed as you in the winning entry, content block, etc, in case you change it later.]
[b]Bio:[/b] [Explain the Peeve, briefly. Try to keep it fun-ny! :P Helps to mention if you own it.]
[b]Description:[/b] [What's it look like?]

When it's over:

Contest closes Thursday November 29 2007 (probably around midnight EST).

NOTE: There are also Wild Peeves, which simply happen to have no owner yet. Once we get information about a newly discovered type of Peeve, we will be able to capture the Peeves from the wild. Which would make them Pets rather than Wild, but yeah...

NOTE #2: No Peeves will be harmed in the making of the allergic weapon.

NOTE #3: Evil Lord Survurlode WILL be harmed in the making of the allergic weapon. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!1!!


Recommended Comments

Pet Peeve Species: One-word-post

My Name: Xaeraz:KKFN's ghost/Zephyr

Bio: The one-word-post is a vague creature. It likes to eat short posts and bad short stories. The one-word post keeps things overly simple. The one-word-post is highly annoying. The one word post makes short, quiet sounds. Xaeraz owns a one-word-post.

Description: A floating outline. Very vague in shape.

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Stats: Feeds off spam. Lots and lots of spam. Survurlode is kinda afraid of that, because as we all know, Floods are made out of spam. Pretty obvious, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Ownership: I don't have one, because I don't spam.(Well, maybe a little when there is a full moon on a dark and stormy night.) There was this guy called connor who had one(I think), but he got banned.

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Pet Peeve Species: The Corrector

My Name: Uh... I suppose it's xccj...

Bio: This wild peeve tends to infect other members (I have been a host for it before). It makes the host correct every single problem it finds with other members, be it minor spelling mistakes or storyline errors. While initially beneficial, over-infection by this peeve is a source of irritation to the victims of its correction, lowering their resistance to Evil Lord Survurlode's powers.

Description: It has lots of spikes. :D


Uh... no offense to anybody who's been infected by this peeve. :lookaround:



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Pet Peeve Species: Flame

My Name: Wysp

Bio: A Flame is a small, almost cute creature that many people have thought cute and brought into ownership. Although it starts small, it expands as it is fed, eventually consuming whole Metrus and setting them ablaze. It can reproduce like a bacterium, splitting itself into smaller halves, and appealing to its prospective owners.

Description: A small floating flame with large, cute orange eyes. When it expands, its true being is revealed as its eyes turn bloodred and it actually becomes a real fire, blown to expand by the wind.




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Pet Peeve Species: The Misinformed

My Name: Electric Turahk

Bio: This particular Pet Peeve goes around posting false information. To make matters worse, they make it seem genuine! These Peeves are also rather foolish, being oblivious to the fact that what they are saying is incorrect, even going so far as to believe in what they are asying.

Description: Various witnesses to their actions all report different appearances of these guys, but a few things remain consistant: They drool a lot, have wide, blood shot eyes, and a body of writhing tentacles.

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Pet Peeve Species: OVER USING EMOTES

My Name: nidhiki enemy of lhikan (or known as lhikan636)

Bio: these sick creatures slow everything down like littlemissused vahis they can be found everywhere espescolly when flaming

Description: there have been various sitings of these annoying little minions they seem to like to live around the new members knowing vulnerability

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Pet Peeve Species: Bad People

My Name: Kopaka's Apprentice

Bio: An ugly, foul, stinky peeve that makes its home in open graves and slime pits. It feeds off of vulgar speech and foul sights. I own this peeve.

Description: A green or gray blob with putrid, foul smelling breath and yellow razor sharp fangs. It's fat, oily, bumpy skin and sharp, twisted claws make this peeve very grotesque.


Pet Peeve Species: Ignorance

My Name: Kopaka's Apprentice

Bio: This peeve is able to make one proud and ignorant of other people. It twists the mind so that one because selfish and unaware of one's own sin. I own this peeve also.

Description: A mist that floats in front of people's eyes to blind them and make them unaware.


Pet Peeve Species: Complaining

My Name: Kopaka's Apprentice

Bio: A peeve that loves to have cheese with its whine. It inspires greed and pickiness so one becomes rebellious and selfish. I own this peeve.

Description: A peeve that normally takes the form of a spoiled 4 year old that will always try and get its way.

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Pet Peeve Species:Double Poster


Me Name:EmperorWhenua (Yes, Emperor :P )


Bio:Double Posters seem to accumulate with the floods, rising and falling with the tide. They will eat up a server, taking a toll on the innocent members who attemp to wade through the waters, but their displacement of mass makes the waters rise further, eventualy drowning the member as it simply surrounds the hapless members. It's power, as it dwells in the floods, increases with the tides, thusly being able to inflict much damage even to the more senior of the members who seem invincible to others Peeves.


Description: These are strange, amoeba-ish cretures that live in the waters, a pinkish tint of board messages the only sign of their gathering, brought about in a wash of the deadly pink-ish red-ish board messages.



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Pet Peeve Species: Crazy Guy

My Name: Adventurer

Bio: Respected creatures that post long incomprehensible posts that make an otherwise simple topic extremely hard to understand. Most common in S&T and if prolonged exposure occurs, an infection will take hold. After three days you become a Crazy Guy and the process starts again.

Description: Crazy Guys can appear in any form, though there is a rumour that one of the originals looks liek a pile of bones...

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Pet Peeve Species: Post-in-the-wrong-Links to forums are NOT allowed.

My Name: Lewajohnson: Toa of Mangosteen

Bio: This post's in the wrong forum, no matter what. It can make

so many topics that the forum will come down. If banned it will come

back again, and again. It uses locked topics as weapons.

Description: A blob, with 10 arms on all sides.



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Pet Peeve Species: Trigger Happy

My Name: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

Bio: A parasite that causes unintentional double-clicking (and subsequent double posting) in posters, frequently targeting hosts such as newbies and people with broken mouse buttons *coughmecough*. We think it somehow gets sustenance from the extra posts. In that case, the variety that causes double reports on those double posts, while equally annoying, sure isn't getting invited to any peeve parties anytime soon.

Description: Looks remarkably like a "Post New Comment," "Post New Topic," "Send Message," "Send Report," etc. button superimposed over another similar button, both shivering occasionally from that dreadful case of flood control that's been spreading through the site. They'd be an unusually sickly blue if they weren't that color already.

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Pet Peeve Species: The Unapproved

My Name: Xaeraz:KKFN's ghost/Zephyr

Bio: Another peeve that Xaeraz owns, The unapproved is a relatively minor peeve, taking up residence in either Artwork II, Bionicle RPG, or Games and Trivia. This peeve will latch onto an unexpecting BZPer, commonly part of the "member" group, and will drive them to post an unapproved game, rpg, or shop. Once it grabs hold, it will then attempt to crash the server by sending as many reports as possible, and then will grab onto members that also try to report the topic.

Description: Looks sorta like a bohrok head, with lots of clawed tentacles.


Pet Peeve Species: The Constant Spammer.

My Name: Xaeraz:KKFN's ghost/Zephyr

Bio: Yet another of Xaeraz's peeves, The Constant Spammer, or TCS, is prevalent in nearly every forum. This peeve will take over a member, forcing them to write spam, and nothing but. These members can rid themselves to TCSs, but they usually need half a year to do so. Reports suggest that this peeve feeds on spam, as well as popup ads, which may be why We don't get very many of those on BZP. TCSs often only use members, but will use premier members, outstanding members, and outstanding premier members, although very rarely. It appears that BZP staff are immune to this creature.

Description: Looks like a noobish sprite, lacking shading or poses.

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Pet Peeve Species: Baby Gukko

My Name: The Infection

Bio: It doesn't like it when you say 'lol'

Description: Guess.


Pet Peeve Species: Tpyofrg Typofrog

My Name: bonesiii The Infection

Bio: The Typofrog is a very common creature and usually weak. However, the Tuponyfrog Typofrog's saliva has a unique chemical embedded in it called 'Tiribomba' (no relation to the Matoran) that causes whatever it hits to temporarly make clumsy spelling and grammar mistakes ans and also sometimes causes pimples. It doesn't help that the Typosfrog Typofrog has a pretty good spit range. These guys are wild as far as I know, though they seem to spit on me all the time.

Description: It looks like a frog, bones =P


Pet Peeve Species: Polloflower

My Name: The Infection

Bio: If anything can be turned to a poll, the Polloflower will be sure to mention it. It lurks in the shadows and springs out whenever someone makes something can be made into a poll, whether it be a topic, a sickle, a cake or even a poll. I've got one of these in my basement. You're free to have it if you feed it every three hours.

Description: A pink dandelion with option check boxes for eyes and a mouth that looks like an ampersand. (&)

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Pet peeve species: Spameroko (Spam-er-Ah-Koh)

My Name: Hihkan:ChosenOneofLight

Bio: This creature has no form. In order to take one, it jumps into the mind of a BZPer who is posting and makes them spam. Whatever the spam is about, the Spameroko takes the form of. If the spam is just letters, it takes the form a stick-figure. Its michevious nature makes it quite hated. And no vaxine has been made. When it's formless, it blends into the pixels behind it, waiting for a poster.

Description: Inivisible unless spam is made.

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Now this is a contest :P .



Pet Peeve Species: Old Yeller

My Name: ~Kativa~

Bio: The quiet, serene atmosphere of a discussion topic is something one cherishes. That is until an Old Yeller shows up. Spawned from a ignorant caps lock, these deluded peeves believe that it is causing no harm while talking; UNAWARE THAT ITS ONE SENTENCE POST IS AN OBNOXIOUS ALL OUT CAPITAL LETTER FEST LIKE THIS WITHOUT ANY PUNCTUATION

Description: This particularly annoying peeve looks like another harmless Bzp member, until it talks. It reveals a freakishly large cavity that puts those kids in the Honey Comb commercials to shame. I have one, can't really say I like it. I was only able to get it to shut up after I shoved a LaZboy recliner into it's mouth.



Pet Peeve Species:Pica'huge

My Name: ~Kativa~

Bio: This peeve is yet another species ignorant of it's massive annoyance factor. Like the Old Yellers, these are also big and obnoxious. These critters appear out of nowhere in a sig *usually a new members* and increase a topics actual length by more then a quarter of it's actual post bio-mass. When one of these things is around, you had better hope it only appears once, lest your topic be 6 times larger then it really is.

Description:No two Pica'huges are alike. Some doubt any are the same speices as the other. However, they all have two things in common. One, they take on the appearence of a unedited image in a sig. Second and last, they're freaking huge. They bloat topics to dangerous proportions, to the point of exploding. I used to have one, but after a member kindly warned me of their lethal potential, I banished it.



Pet Peeve Species: Lookness Monster.

My Name:~Kativa~

Bio: Unlike the other peeves, this species is more then aware of the devastation it leaves in it's wake.This sick creature spends the time to look and read fan-fiction, but doesn't bother doing anything else, leaving the ambitous and well done story to die. Like the Lochness Monster, there is indisputable evidence that it is there, yet it never actually reveals itself.

Description: A treacherous, sleek and slimy creature that glides through the Library forum, reading topics with it's large eyeball. The better the story is, the more it's likely to turn around and sail away, laughing rudely *Unless the member is popular or a celebrity. If this is the case, it proceeds to be a kiss-up* I don't own one, infact I protest against such creatures being allowed into the Library forum.

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Never said it had to do with BZP, guys.


Pet Peeve Species:The Miwo

My Name: Lluvio

Bio: Manifests itself on computer desktops as a poorly designed text program. Once opened, it will open a program called Microsoft Word, and will swiftly change anything you type, incorrectly. I formerly owned one of these, but I abandoned it somewhere on a busy highway in Arizona.

Description: A "W" in compressed form, with scribbles underneath. In open form, it is a white box with a bunch of smaller white boxes around, each containing icons that cannot be understood.



Born of my hatred of Microsoft Word. I think there's at least one spelling error in here...

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Pet Peeve Species: The Tattletale

My Name: Rakuna the Miner

Bio: It runs around the forms, and when spotted by a member, it attempts to make that person report every post he/she dislikes.

Description: It has no ragged edges, two legs with small feet, short arms, and a big head.



Pet Peeve Species: The Eraser

My Name: Rakuna the Miner

Bio: Invades posts members are still typing, and when one moves the typing bar to and already typed word to correct it, when that person is typing a letter, it replaces it with the old one.

Description: A tall skinny, spiky creature.

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Sounds interesting....



Pet Peeve Species: Ughhmm-Links

My Name: Gakurak, or Gakurahk. It varies.

Bio: Though rare, in a random manner, they will often randomly do some or any of the following, or whatever:

1,Mis-linking; It causes you to forget the last thing you've copied, and, if you're unfortunate enough, that is, cause you to link to something utterly off topic and random; like a sorta-classified video of someone picking his nose, or an MAJ gallery containing the aftermath of Kopaka spray-painting Tahu pink, or a website run by someone who thinks that fruitcake flavored Mentos are proof of a conspiracy to feed our minds to aliens, or something crazy like that, or something. SOMETHING!


2,System manipulation Links; though quite rare, these thingies will link to stuff that exploits BZP's own software. They range from simple log out links, to ones that mess around with your account settings, and sometimes even stuff that will lead you to posting trillions upon billions upon milions empty responses. And it can get worse. I mean, it would certainly be horrible to have your member title changed to something like "I am a banana!", or "moo" or something, wouldn't you think?


3, I CAN HAS PWOTO PLEAZ Links; these things while old, and mostly hunted down, are often found in peoples' sigs. Basically, they exploit an old flaw with the system via something I won't mention. Usually, when they are labeled in the likeness of "CLIK HEAR FOUR PWOTO", they are quickly, if not immediately reported. How is this annoying if you get free stuff like that? When it raises your "Proto Bar" to full, and you never did anything for it, and you come up as an outstanding member on the active members list, regardless, you're going to get eaten by the moderators in trouble for quite some time. IT'S NOT WORTH THE PWOTO!! YOU'LL GET EATEN!!


4,Brain Eating Links; These will link you to either A; a website that floods your screen with popups, B; a link to an ENORMOUS image (As in 7000x1200 pixel images, one of which I own), or C; a link that causes the server to "ping" your router/computer to death. When this happens, you'll meet this wonderful hardware error known as the BSOD or BLue Screen Of Death. Encountering these will cause you too become overjoyed and run around screaming and stuff, which will usually lead to physical harm, which is never good...

Description: Seemingly harmless, cute, cuddly, but evil. As in it will eat you, or something. EAT YOU. Panic, if you will, please.








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Sounds interesting....



Pet Peeve Species: Ughhmm-Links

My Name: Gakurak, or Gakurahk. It varies.

Bio: Though rare, in a random manner, they will often randomly do some or any of the following, or whatever:

1,Mis-linking; It causes you to forget the last thing you've copied, and, if you're unfortunate enough, that is, cause you to link to something utterly off topic and random; like a sorta-classified video of someone picking his nose, or an MAJ gallery containing the aftermath of Kopaka spray-painting Tahu pink, or a website run by someone who thinks that fruitcake flavored Mentos are proof of a conspiracy to feed our minds to aliens, or something crazy like that, or something. SOMETHING!


2,System manipulation Links; though quite rare, these thingies will link to stuff that exploits BZP's own software. They range from simple log out links, to ones that mess around with your account settings, and sometimes even stuff that will lead you to posting trillions upon billions upon milions empty responses. And it can get worse. I mean, it would certainly be horrible to have your member title changed to something like "I am a banana!", or "moo" or something, wouldn't you think?


3, I CAN HAS PWOTO PLEAZ Links; these things while old, and mostly hunted down, are often found in peoples' sigs. Basically, they exploit an old flaw with the system via something I won't mention. Usually, when they are labeled in the likeness of "CLIK HEAR FOUR PWOTO", they are quickly, if not immediately reported. How is this annoying if you get free stuff like that? When it raises your "Proto Bar" to full, and you never did anything for it, and you come up as an outstanding member on the active members list, regardless, you're going to get eaten by the moderators in trouble for quite some time. IT'S NOT WORTH THE PWOTO!! YOU'LL GET EATEN!!


4,Brain Eating Links; These will link you to either A; a website that floods your screen with popups, B; a link to an ENORMOUS image (As in 7000x1200 pixel images, one of which I own), or C; a link that causes the server to "ping" your router/computer to death. When this happens, you'll meet this wonderful hardware error known as the BSOD or BLue Screen Of Death. Encountering these will cause you too become overjoyed and run around screaming and stuff, which will usually lead to physical harm, which is never good...

Description: Seemingly harmless, cute, cuddly, but evil. As in it will eat you, or something. EAT YOU. Panic, if you will, please.








Win. For the most part, at least.

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Pet Peeve Species:Stefus Aniclerus

My Name:The Big Cheese

Bio:Native primarily to the mythological region only referred to in ancient posts as the Creative Outlet, the Stefus Aniclerus is a stubborn creature. It produces numerous offspring(known as MOCs) on specific dates. These dates are set by the Stefus itself, and if it does not produce the amount of offspring promised by the specific date, the Stefus will undergo what is commonly referred to in the science community as "self-destruct." Only one known specimen of the Stefus has entered other regions of The BZP. This specimen produced offspring beyond the limit of what can be counted by a normal human. Attempts to tame the creature and help it produce offspring that would have a positive effect on The BZP were consistently proven futile. Eventually, this Stefus had to be elimanted by INCA(Interforum Noob Containment Agency) Bionicle Rex.

Description:Unknown. The Stefus can take numerous shapes. Reports of wild specimens vary in description from giant organgutans to microscopic pigs. WARNING! The Stefus can disguise itself as a normal member of the Memberus family by using proper grammar and mature statements! Do not be fooled by this deception!


Well, thats the best I could think of. Great contest bonesiii!!!



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Pet Peeve Species: Typcgraphical Gremlins


My Name: Arpy


Bio: Typcgraphical Gremlins lurk in the text fields of webpages and Word documents, where they take great delight in causing typists of all sorts to misspell words. One of their favorite tricks is to cause the electrical impulses from a keyboard to misfire, displaying a different character than intended. They sometimes replace letters with similar equivalents, i.e “c” for “o” and “I” for “l”. Gremlin-infested texts are not to be confused with poor spellers, though the less experienced Gremlins often bear a resemblance. The wiliest of these Peeves, the Bcss Gremlins, are adept at inserting themselves into long, dull sentences where the reader's eyes simply skip over them. Only the sharpest-eyed individuals can spot the work of these Gremlins, and even then rereading the sentence may be necessary. Typcgraphical Gremlins are extremely prolific, and due to their unobstrusive nature, their typos are rarely realized for what they are.


Description: Squat, rotund humanoids with one large, googly eye on a stalk, dark skin, and tattoos of the letters and words they have successfully inserted into unsuspecting sentences.



I quite like xccj's and ET's Peeves FWIW.


I’ll edit later with more Peeves as I discover them.



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Pet Peeve Species: Zeus

My Name: Takua the Wanderer

Bio: A shapeshifter which takes the form of the most common myth/misconception of the day and throws its mighty lightning bolt at it. Practically everyone in S&T has at least one. I have eight.

Description: A shapeshifter with no natural form, although in all forms, it carries a lighning bolt around. In the past few months, I have seen it take the form of a dead Ignika, Matoro wearing the Ignika, and three zombie Nuva.


Pet Peeve Species: Stuffed Shirt

My Name: Takua the Wanderer

Bio: Feeds on the image of staff members being all stiff, impersonal, and upper class. A good number of the staff have these, although how effective they are remains to be seen.

Description: A stuffed shirt.





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Pet Peeve Species: The Crelkranoid

My Name: Vezon The Piraka

Bio: Comes from an unknown world, though pretty weak, it still has it's own defense methods excluding the fact that it's covered in armor. The Crelkranoid is a very dangerous creature, it searches for rude members and keeps an eye on them like a security guard and when they catch the member arguing with another member, the Crelkranoid reports the user and BAM!... your banned. They even report members for the slightest argument. Some Crelkranoids also have IP-vision which allows them to see a member's IP Address.

Description: A short creature, but very scary. It has sharp teeth and they usually come in the color green. They have legs which run faster than four times the speed of a Kakama Nuva. They usually bring shock and stress whenever a member sees one of them.


Pet Peeve Species: Moderation Crushers

My Name: Vezon The Piraka

Bio: Merciless and powerful, the Moderation Crushers are a big threat to any staff member. Once they see a moderator using their moderation powers (they can see when a moderator moderates using a special vision they have). Like let us say you try to close a topic, but a Moderation Crusher comes. It could do so that instead of closing the topic, you turn a few non-spam posts to spam. Or if you try to delete a topic, you move it to a random forum instead. And sometimes but very rarely, instead of closing a topic, you self-suspend yourself.

Description: They are 6-foot tall creatures which can shape shift. From a good and patient member to a nasty clawed bug-like creature. They are sometimes seen wearing a Hau. (usually after battle with a Moderator)

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Pet Peeve Species: Toktomee

My Name: Wyattu

Bio: This peeve is one of the Dreaded Real Life peeves, annoying the victim in more ways than one. The Toktomee disguises itself as a program which allows you to speak into a microphone and have your words turned into computer text. However, after costing you a large sum of money, it maliciously translates your words into a jumbled up mockery of a sentence. "Meet me at the movies" could become "beat three at a goopy," and so on. These creatures generally attempt to cripple BZP members by slowing down their posting speed. They apparently feed on sonic energy, text being their waste matter. I was a victim of the Toktomee for a short time, before realizing the futility of using it.

Description: A living earmike. With teeth.

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Pet Peeve Species: Big mouthed Fillter shark

My Name: ToaOddMahri

Bio: It collects inaproriate posts,spam, and leaked imfomation that are dumped in the waters around bz-koro, I own a few

Description: A mouth big enough too fit a toa in side, small dagger like teeth, slim body like a shark small spikes on it's back, small blades one the back of the fins,Blue gray color

ill add a few more

Pet Peeve Species: tentacle slug

My Name: ToaOddMahri

Bio: These feed on Remanes of banned members i own one

Description: A mouth like a squid stretchy tentacles change colors depending on what mood there in


Pet Peeve Species: Off-Topic eating Monkey

My Name: ToaOddMahri

Bio: These feed off of Off Topic posts they also control the REPORT button giving the file with the report too a Moderator

Description: like a Biomechanical Monkey dressed like Hapori Tohu

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