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Pet Peeve Contest -- Help Fight Survurlode!




Today the Bones Blog brings you a contest an information gathering drive about Pet Peeves, creatures that feed on things that are annoying. We believe they might be useful in the war against Evil Lord Survurlode, so we want to find more kinds!

All of the following is placed inside a spoiler tag, because our sources tell us that Evil Lord Survurlode and his minions cannot open these tags due to a glitch his own minions caused.

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Contest Theme Research Impetus: You may recall my interview with the Chief Gremlin, one of Evil Lord Survurlode's highest ranking minions, in which he told us about his Pet Peeves, and mentioned there are many more. You can see all existing Pet Peeves in this art topic with bio info, including a new image of a Stolen Thunder.

We recently discovered through classified espionage that Evil Lord Survurlode is allergic to all types of Peeves, to the point that he can become unable to summon forth floods to swamp our servers when they are around him. The allergy gets worse with different kinds of Peeves. But we have a problem. I only learned of a handful of species in the interview. The Chief Gremlin has been unavailable for further comment, and his book on them keep getting eaten by the Plural Apostrophe's every time he makes a typo.

So we need you to give us any information you have about Peeves, which will help us find them in the wild and capture their smell for use in a allergenic weapon against Evil Lord Survurlode.

So, the question: What kinds of Pet Peeves exist? Do you own any? Have you heard of any?

Winners will ultimately be chosen by me, but I'll factor heavily "votes" if you comment who you would pick too. Winning entries will have the Pet Peeve idea drawn by me as Powerpoint vector art, and their names listed in a Winners blog entry. :)

Rules Research Methods Regulations:

1) Enter up to three species per person by posting a comment here.

2) You can enter a peeve concept someone else entered, as long as your concept is your own; i.e. different enough to not be copying. Be aware I'm more likely to choose the first enterer of a single concept than the second, so try to enter something new.

3) Post info; pics aren't the point of this. I'll draw the art -- that's the prize. :P You can include your own concept art but I'll make my own anyways. Please don't "vote" based on whether someone has pics, as not everyone has the time or capability.)

4) Add comments supporting anybody else's entries. These will be factored for (but do not guarantee) winning.

5) There's no set number of winners, but each person can only win once, not twice or three times.

6) No spamflame, etcetera.

7) Don't do anything bad.

Prize Compensation:

Winning Pet Peeves entries will be listed in a blog entry, and a new art topic once the Peeves are drawn. A permanent sidebar content block will be added to the Bones Blog highlighting the entries and the entererers. And you get a cookie.

How to Enter Survey Format:

Copypaste this format and fill in the info in placeof the bracketed explanations:

[b]Pet Peeve Species:[/b] [Name of creature.]
[b]My Name:[/b] [The name you want to be listed as you in the winning entry, content block, etc, in case you change it later.]
[b]Bio:[/b] [Explain the Peeve, briefly. Try to keep it fun-ny! :P Helps to mention if you own it.]
[b]Description:[/b] [What's it look like?]

When it's over:

Contest closes Thursday November 29 2007 (probably around midnight EST).

NOTE: There are also Wild Peeves, which simply happen to have no owner yet. Once we get information about a newly discovered type of Peeve, we will be able to capture the Peeves from the wild. Which would make them Pets rather than Wild, but yeah...

NOTE #2: No Peeves will be harmed in the making of the allergic weapon.

NOTE #3: Evil Lord Survurlode WILL be harmed in the making of the allergic weapon. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!1!!


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Here's my entry. Love everybody's pet peeves-they're all funny, and pretty true to how things often are. :P


Pet Peeve Species: The Dreaded Piecheeseoneone Beast

My Name: Lukos Bassai

Bio: This Pet Peeve is especially dangerous because it does not appear to BE a pet peeve. It comes in the guise of being funny, and people trying to spice up their blog entries or comedies are especially prone to it. This Peeve is very contagious, and often all it takes to catch it is to see some well known member using it, even once or twice. One infected, a person will fill their posts that are meant to be funny with jokes that almost always relate to pie or cheese. Also, it tends to make their posts look noobish, and while they think they are being funny, they are actually being annoying by posting with "chatspeak." An toned down example(this is a milder example because if I copied what it actually looks like it would break the rules) is this: "Lol COOL MAN I like ninjaz too!!1111!!11piepie!CHEESE11!" While the awesome power of this pet peeve has recently been fortunately brought to a much lower level by the staff, it still lurks in dark corners of blogs and the Comedy Forum, waiting for its next innocent victim...

Description: The Dreaded Piecheeseoneone Beast is a monstrous looking creature, having three heads: one that looks like Swiss cheese, one that looks like pecan pie, and one that looks like a computer screen with chatspeak written all over it. Each of these heads has a large mouth that tries to devour as much good, wholesome humor and conversation as possible. Its body resembles a large dictionary of incorrectly spelled words.



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Crazy Guys can appear in any form, though there is a rumour that one of the originals looks liek a pile of bones...

That one wouldn’t happen to look some thing like THIS!


Pet Peeve Species:Alwaysuse Wordspellcheck (all-wees-use word-spell-check)

My Name:Imold

Bio:The Alwaysuse Wordspellcheck is a peeve that makes those near by use Microsoft Word's spellcheck whenever thay are unsure of how a word is spelled. I own one of these.

Description:It looks like the Microsoft Word icon but with the arms and legs of an old cartoon and two yellow eyes.


The Alwaysuse Wordspellcheck

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pet peeve species:usespacesinbetweenallofyourwords.(use spaces in between all of your words)

my name:Toa Of Pizzaz

bio:the usespacesinbetweenallofyourwords is a peeve that feasts on posts of noobs and other very hurried people.i very fortunately have one.

description:looks like a well........space..ya he looks like a space and squeezes himself in between run-on words to make spaces if you were to be able to see him he would be able to stretch himself apart to create big spaces black tall really strong,looks like a rubber kraata with buff arms

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Sounds fun to me!

Species name: The Shortenator

My name: Axinian the Chronicler

Bio: This peeve is only capable of surviving in the light, humorous air of the comedies forum. This little fellow will hide in comedies threads, watching those reading the thread. When it finds a possible host (usually new members) it will jump from the computer into their minds. It makes the harmless suggestion that the host should write their own comedy. If the host decides to do so, it then influences him/her to keep the comedy under 300 words. The host will proceed to post the comedy, which is in turn closed for lack of words. The Shortenator however, continues to influence the host to write more short comedies. This process will continue until the host is deducted in proto energy. It is then that the Shortenator is quite a happy fellow, as his favorite food is proto energy. This peeve will then leave the current host, and restart the process with another. This peeve is easily beaten by word counting programs and mild warnings. It is currently unknown exactly how physically strong this peeve is, though it is suspected to be surprisingly agile, as it has faced an angry group of Spartans multiple times and always won. I do not own this peeve, I have beaten it with a word count.

Description: Translucent blue, jellyfish like creature, that uses tendrils to latch into hosts brain.


Species name: Elasti-pic

My name: Axinian the Chronicler

Bio: Elasti-pic has the elemental power of pixels. This peeve prefers to dwell in BBC and General Art forums. It will find someone preparing to post an image, and create many pixels, then add them to the image. The unsuspecting member will them post the image in their topic, and find that it stretches the screen to twice it's normal length, and increases the loading time of said image to roughly 1.055892 eons. This peeve can be defeated by careful resizing of pictures, or linking the images instead of posting them directly. I used to own one, but he left after I figured out how to resize pictures.

Description: A grainy-looking body that moves and ripples as it relocates. The body roughly resemble a photograph of two red glowing eyes with slanted eyebrows...


Species name: The Outstandingly Annoying Block of Uncreativeness

My name: Axinian the Chronicler

Bio: This peeve is not limited to Bzpower alone, however it mainly finds prey in the forum Epics, Short Stories, and Comedies forums. Other non-forum sightings have been confirmed in various schools, novel writers' houses, the residences of speech writers, and one particularly bad one in Uncle Frank's Chicken Shack. This peeve will take host in a writer's mind, and is extremely hard to remove. Whenever the host writes, the peeve will sap the creativeness from their minds, leaving the writer banging their head against the wall trying to think of ideas. While extremely difficult to remove, this nasty fellow can be temporarily surpressed by well-thought-out book passages, creative writing techniques, and long periods in front of the computer fueled by large amounts of junk food. I own one, and it strikes nearly every time I try to write.

Description: It would be easy to mistake this fellow of a grey inanimate square block, if it wasn't for the large, Fenrakk-like teeth that it uses to maintain it's hold in the host's mind.


There they are! Yes, I had some fun with this.:)


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Pet Peeve Species: Blockout

My Name: Master Vahi

Bio: The Blockout is an annoying creature. It loves to type in usernames and passwords until someone is blocked out of signing in for a set period of time, then uses that screenname to spam like there's no tommorow. The only problem is that it has a habit of hiding it's spam messages in normal-looking posts, making people not notice the spam. I temporarily had one before it ran away.

Description: It is long and thin. It is also very fast and moves very fluidly, it is easy to spot though as it is bright orange.

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I think I'll try this again...


Pet Peeve Species: The Massive Quoter

My Name: 'cj

Bio: Tents to draw attention of others by appearing big and / or very important. Upon closer inspection, the bulk of it is a copy of someone else's work (AKA, quote) and it only contains a small amount of personality attached to the copy. While the small amount of personality may reflect on the copied material, it most often add anything new, and rather just gives its approval of said copied material. This peeve is know for causing symptoms of headachus and creating long scroll downs.

Description: The body is often very massive, sometimes with a fatty look but can be very muscular depending on the copied material. Generally in a roundish shape, with no threatening features other than its size. The head is inproportionally small and basic, and usually has a blank or confused look about it.



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The following comes from communications by the Shields, The Arrays, Installation 00, 2401 Penitent Tangent, and 343 Guilty Sapark.






Pet peeve species: Randomus Jumblarificus rex

My name:113 Adjutant Reflex

Bio: This Pet peeve has devised a complex, and humanly incomprehensible series of code as a form of communication and attempted communication with members, such examples include:"YUo 1992 IS sTEW pit ahehehhehe." "Cuan Ieye wea haEV PROTooopO08??!121?" They thrive on a neighboring forum and continent to the Genus Blockout , and frequently wage war upon said neighboring species. Thankfully I do not own this Peeve.

Description: These peeves have a leech-like bodily structure, with large, hollowed buck teeth it uses to inject it's victims with a unique venom induced nonstop laughter for 35 hours, 45 hours at the most.



Pet Peeve species:Non existentius Acronymicus

My name:113 Adjutant reflex

Bio:These Peeves inhabit coastal jungles of Bora Bora, as well as every forum known to man. They appear to have a symbiotic relationship with their hosts, revealing their infectious ancient language every now and then, NOobs are much more vulnerable to their attack, Sir. Omicron Perfidicus Livingston attempted an expedition to survey their behaviour, and subsequently went missing for 37 days. When he returned, he had created a translative device to reveal the true nature of their ramblings, it is as follows:


O RLY: Oh, Russia Likes Yams?


NO WAIII!1!:Norway on Walter's Apple iPod


LOL:Locks Of Love


YA RLY:Yugoslavia Ate (Bob) Ross's Little Yard


OMG:Oranges Made Guatamala


RL:Red Land (used when refrencing a communist country)


yay - Want Oranges Or Tangerines?




XD-eXtreme Ducks


Exactly how they divised their language is unknown, however many believe that they are some form of military code, signalling their species to rise up, and Decimate BZP. Of course, I do not own this Peeve.

Description: They resemble large Speech Clouds other than an image of a shamed employee walking away from his job interwiew after responding to everything his employer asked with one of these "Acronyms", and a razor sharp beak with tentacles in the shape of Ls.


Pet Peeve species:Comixus Artificus Intelligencicus Rex

My name:113 Adjutant reflex

Bio:These Peeves burrow under the bodies of water of the comics forum, and commonly infect Noobs causing them to write horrible, unfunny Comics, then returning control of the body to said Noob, allowing it to see the "Wonderful work of art" it has created, returning control only when a member posts pointing out it's obvious incompetence, so as the Noob can attempt to defend itself by Flaming said member. They have a Primitive Parliamentary structure of Tribal Republics hidden under the dense undergrowth of spams in the comedies and comics forum, looking up to those who have horrible Humour, yet descent sprite making skills as their Aristocratic Cheiftans, and those with no humour or spritemaking skills as their warriors, the latter subspecies is the norm in comics. Several other subspecies have been observed, setting up colonies in the Artwork I&II forums, Comedies, Short stories, and MOCs.

Description:These Pet peeves resemble large slinder sporks, containing compound eyes and a rather unpleasant flame engraved in an ancient unpronouncable language on their backs.

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Pet Peeve Species: CAPS Lockers

My Name: Toa of Dancing

Bio: These PEEVES (darn, there it goes again) crawl around, looking for a keyboard to infest. Although they are good for people who actually CAPITALIZE their sentances, they can get anoying because they CAPITALIZE when you don't want them to. The reason they are so good against Survurlude is because they actually help people not spam and CAPITALIZE their sentences, although there are a few rouge that have help spamers spam even more. I own (counts keyboards) over 100 of them, since I work on computers.

Description: They are fat little things that look like Pac-Man, but have no middle, so basically, they look like CAPITAL C


Pet Peeve Species: Clockies

My Name: Toa of Dancing

Bio: One of the most secrative Peeves, they hide in Survurlude's clock minions and slowly eat their brains away, replacing it with themselves. There have been reports of even getting these into Chief Clock, and the way they eat is by stoping the clock, and until the owner resets the clock, and it has to run down again. I own three of these, and more have been seen by my family in my house.

Description: These little guys look like the hands of the clock, and it usually take two or three of them to replace a clock.

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Pet Peeve Species: The Dupe Theory Maker

My Name: Adventurer

Bio: An entity that skims over S&T theories, if the dupe theory maker sees a theory that it likes, it will create a copy of the same theory in a new topic and claims it to be it's own work. The dupe theory maker is sometimes hard to identify as they usually use poor grammar, making it hard to understand what they dupe theory is about.

Description: Small and skinny, can easily cling to theories, the dupe theory maker resembles a starfish. One distinguishing feature is their long, suck-up lips. These are used to suck-up to the theory maker and avoid detection. The dupe theory maker is usually gray in colour, though will change colour after absorbing a theory.

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Pet Peeve Species: Emoticon Breeder


My Name: ~Gargan~


Bio: *Puts on Einstein glasses* An Emoticon Breeder is a highly developed form of a germ, mutating to infest forums, and other boards. When one Breeder is placed in a stable environment, for example, a post. It breeds rapidly every 2 seconds, overwhelming the post, and flowing into others posts, making them seem like noobs.


Description: It can look like any emote, or smiley, but only one smiley will never be infected, :tohu: THIS one.

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Pet Peeve Species: The Overlord

My Name: Nero

Bio: This Peeve finds RPers, grabs a hammer made of Pur Aweshomeness Powerz and beats them over the head with it, knocking them out of the TimeStream so the Peeve can take over their IC post. It then proceeds to channel its Aweshomeness Powerz into the post, making the BZPer's character defeat everything with a few keystrokes, win the battle single-handedly, and upstage everyone. When the other RPers find out about the post, their own Peeves (i'll get to them later) become angry, and proceed to use their long sharp rapiers made of Realism Powers of the Continuum to slash the Overlord's post out of the RPG. When the unfortunate Victim RPer re-enters the TimeStream, they see that everyone is angry at them for the Overlord's actions, and they get defensive, being unable to remember making the post, or the Overlord posessing them.

Description: The Overlord carries a massive hammer that glows gold, and has a crown on its head. It wears a royal-blue cape, and has super-speed boots. It's eyes are $s.


Pet Peeve Species: Righteous Wrath Guerrila

My Name: Nero

Bio: This is one of the Peeves planted in COT by the Turkeys of BZP, to combat the spread of the Overlord Peeves. They leap out of a computer screen at unsuspecting BZPers, entering their minds with specially made psi-equipment. They then take a dormant position, until they sniff out an Overlord Post in an RPG that does not have the proper "FAKE IC" marks in front of it. They go into attack mode, drawing their Realism Swords and slashing the Overlord Post from the record. I own about 20 of these, and keep them well fed. Unfortunately, the angry posts that follow a RWG's attack on an Overlord can waste time in RPGs.

Description: This Peeve is similar in appearance to MetaKnight, though its armor is a bit duller in appearance, because Righteous Wrath Peeves, unlike Overlords, can't take the easy way to coolness. My Righteous Wrath Guerrilas have armor even shinier than MetaKnight's, because they are VERY successful, often uniting whole RPGs against a single Overlord.

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Pet Peeve Species: Argh

My Name: Kakaru

Bio: This peeve shows up when you try to post and the amount of beginning tags don't match the amount of end tags. It usually hides somewhere within the computers circuts, and I have only seen it once or twice. It's name comes from what I say when I see it.

Description: Small, (about one inch) pale blue, and extremely hairy (each hair is two to three inches)


Simple entry, but hey.

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Pet Peeve Species: Emoticanus [frequently misspelled "emoticons" for some bizarre, unknown reason]


My Name: Kohena: Great Warrior of Pie


Bio: The emoticanus is a small, limbless creature that lives in topics. It enters a post of low size, and begins to multiply, quickly filling up it's new home. Any emoticanus [or "emotes" for short] who cannot fit inside the post spread into other posts which they can fit into. Sometimes, emotes will attempt to enter larger posts, but only one or two will be able to fit inside. Emotes, at first glance, seem to be harmless. However, their primary food source is quality, which is why the stereotype "emoticons are low quality" was conceived. Emoticanus are like rabbits when it comes to ownership. A single emote is okay by itself, but as it multiplies, it becomes more and more of a problem. Several new members own emoticanus, using them to enlargen their small, but intelligent, posts. However, the emotes consume the quality of the post, making it "noobish". I am glad I do not own one.


Description: Emoticanus mostly appear as tiny, round, yellow spheres with varying facial expressions. Most of them do not have limbs, but the occasional emote has hands connected to the body with invisible arms. Also, some emotes have the ability to shapeshift, taking the forms of Kanohi, letters, Bionicle characters, or even Hapori Tohu.

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Pet Peeve Species: Blarg

My Name: Toa delta

Bio: Blarg is essentailly a square shaped like a keyboard button and waits until the Bzper to touch the button to infecct them.

This pet peeve infects Bzper's and makes them press the "post" button more than once, causing double, or even triple posting.

A more wild type of this pet peeve is when it takes over the body of Bzper's and keeps on posting the same post in multiple forums, until the flood control comes over to his/her house/apartment/other living quarters and sedatates the Bzper.

For some reason, my keboard is usually infested with these pet peeves...

Description: It is shaped in size and shape to a keyboard button and is also a cameleon which is how it blends in to a keyboard.

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Pet Peeve Species: Blushroom

My Name: Darkspine Neya

Bio: It's a peeve, that, unlike most of the others in this contest, is in the phylum Veracia (real life peeves, like Plural Apostrophes, Always/Neveron Turnsignals, and Chalkboard Scratchers,) instead of BZPowera (forum attacking specimen, Survurlode is less vulnerable to them as they mostly help spam up his domain, which strengthens him enough to make weak floods.) These peeves feed on embarrassment, apparently by snapping photos with a camera they have evolved for a left hand. In the real world, they mostly live in Hollywood, as they follow around paparazzi there and help make tabloids. In Bionicle, they live in Metru Nui, BZ Metru, Xia, and anywhere with industry. Still, some follow the Shadowed One... and feed well by bribing the Makuta of Odina to coat their forms so they look like a Dark Hunter named Darkness. (Yes, the Shadowed One does embarrassing things, including watch soap operas [heh-heh.]) Survurlode has sent hordes of Lawyerahk movie directors called Directorahks and actor one called Actorahks to Hollywood to exterminate them there, because if he gets embarrassed by a peeve allergen flood, they can come there in droves, weakening him even more (they don't even heal him because the aren't BZPowera peeves.) To catch, rig a trap with a picture of a movie star picking his nose as bait. I own this peeve, and her name is Anabelle. (Wanna see my zoo sometime? I got a big number of Doomahs.)

Description: They all are small, 3 inch high creatures that float on an enrgy filled sac, that has 4 holes in it that shine light- one in front, one in back, and one on each side. They have a claw on their right arm for a hand (the 2 arms are small and attached to the 1-inch diameter stem), and a camera for the other hand. They snap photos to feed.


Other facts- Peeves are of the kingdom Peevia, the phylums being BZPowera, Bioniclum (Bionicle-related, but not forum-related peeves, like Doomahs and Bionicles,) and Veracia. Survurlode hates real life peeves the most, and BZPower peeves best. Don't use strong concentrations of BZPower peeves! It may actually heal Survurlode by carrying massive amounts of spam essence to him! This is like giving him a gallon of Delsam for the allergenic weapon! It undoes the whole cause!


EDIT: I have just realized that there are some neutral/positive BZPowera peeves. These peeves generally have too weak a spam, no real spam or actually help the forums to be a better place. The Righteous Wrath Guerilla a few posts above is a good example of a positive BZPowera peeve, and a good neutral peeve would be the Stuffed Shirt on the first page.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: There. I entered. Yay for me! :voyanui:

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I've got a couple last minute peeves, bonesiii!


Pet Peeve Species: Caramigo

My name: Teebert

Bio: The Caramigo is an unusual peeve, in that it makes people say they care for something. It hugs them. The hug taints the poor victims subconcious, so that they say that they could care less for something, instead of that they couldn't care less. Because if you can care less for something, you must be able to care for it at least a bit.

Appearance: Varies between sub-species. They all look like stuffed animals with hearts all over, but some look like bears, some look like bunnies, and some look like kittens. There's really no limit to what animals they resemble.


Pet Peeve Species: Oobah Oobah Fa-La-La

My name: Teebert

Bio: They hover around your head, singing the most annoying songs on earth. They're invisible, so many people believe that they get the songs "stuck in their head" But eventually, the person they attack might get fully sucked in by their siren song, and...join in the singing.

Appearance: They look like floating heads of Sesame Street muppets. Which is weird, when you think about it. If they don't have any lungs or vocal chords, how do they sing? And in case anybody out there wonders, the only way we know what they look like is through photography with specially treated camera film.

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