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All Your Blog Are Belong To Us!



Before you read you should know which characters have which speaking color:




Hack and Slash


Hello all, my name is Hexadecimal... I'm here to watch this blog... Now, I may be a virus, but, I'm not all evil... you see the evil one is...


ME. Megabyte, and this blog is now mine.


Woah... hold the phone! This is my blog, I'm the one who bought the Premier Membership those many moons ago.


So What? You cannot defeat me.


Oh no! Megabyte has taken over. Taken over he has! Too bad Bob isn't here! Why do you want Bob? To stop us from doing something bad...


Who are you now?


I'm Hack. And he's Slash. Yeah I'm Slash and he is Hack. Ugh... not you two.


This is so confusing. :wacko: What do you monsters want?!


One thing! I want to infect all and rule the Super Computer.


You scare me. Prepare to feel the wrath of my EdgarWare! *boots up EdgarWare*


NO ONE FORGETS ABOUT ME! I was happy... now I'm ANGRY! And that makes me sad. :( BUT ANGRY!


Oh... my... *sigh* Why do I always get the crazy computer virus to attack me. >_<


Crazy? I AM NOT CRAZY! I am nice, you should know that.





That is what I said. Kahu.


No, it is Kohaku.








Meh... Close enough.


Kohaku It has a nice ring... I was just going to say that.


Kohaku, what is your purpose?


I come from Wisconsin,

through systems, peoples, and cities,

to this place:



My format: Blog Assistant.

To defend the members and their blogs!

And give them a helping hand.


Oh? How boring.


You are a virus! Why do you care?


I am planning to take over the net. I already made your blog Megaframe, my domain!


Nooooo!!!! I'll delete you!


Will I defeat Megabyte and these other crazy things?

Why am I doing this?

Is it for fun?

Are you crazy?


The anwsers, next time on the adventures of Kohaku's blog!


Wait! My blog has the adventures and not me?! I feel so unloved. And confused. :wacko:




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