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A Lost Soul And 10 Little Things To Love

Kallista ~ Little light


I have been having some Difficulties in my walk....


the next few weeks is going to be full of change for me...

For those who are also in the faith please pray for me while I go into battle.


But on the bright side my heart has been filled with so much Joy and Love with the arrival of the Puppies.

And I have some more pictures for you guys!









I'm a devoted 2nd mom


All 10 of them





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That's a lot of puppies... you're lucky you get to spend this sort of time with them before you sell them. It must be fun.


Oh It is wonderful and they are vary dear to my heart... when they sleep the sometimes start twitching and.... awww well they are just so vary precious.


And thanks Cthulhu





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Nope, that went way over my head


I'm afraid if you're going to talk spiritually to me, you're going to have to do it slowly and loudly so that my simple atheistic brain can understand what your saying :P

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Nope, that went way over my head


I'm afraid if you're going to talk spiritually to me, you're going to have to do it slowly and loudly so that my simple atheistic brain can understand what your saying :P

Same hewe... O' if you came about 2.5 yeaws eawlie' I could get my mom as twanslato' :P

They'we so KAWAI!!!

So vewy pwecious

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