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Happiness All Around



Well, I'm now on the S&T Fact Team (see here). ^_^


I can't wait to get started on that. It's a real honor, and it'll be exciting to see how well I can do. The situation is made even better by the fact that almost all the others who were promoted in that topic are close friends of mine. :)


Moving on to BS01, I'm having a heck of a time as a WikiMod. It's the most fun I've ever had as a member, but at the same time it's extremely hard work, and something I wouldn't force on the average member. I'm pretty much fully acquainted with my new buttons, so that's cool. Plus I've gotten blocking experience. Gb1 says the vandals seem to "favor me for some reason." :P


While we're on the subject of BS01, I want to bring to BZP a message that too many people are ignoring: Do not put up '08 spoilers yet. Swert even went so far as to have a countdown clock put up, but even that doesn't seem to be helping much. So just keep the bolded message in mind when you go on BS01. It'll make it easier for everyone. :)


Something I notice as a Moderator is the appalling disrespect we're shown at times. Certain members have no regard or respect for the staff structure. It's disgusting, and their opinion of us doesn't help with our opinion of them. I've been tempted to block even some members I'm friendly with. We already have rules about respecting staff, but nobody seems to notice them. We even had to create a "Defying Staff" template to help deal with the situation.


Being staff truly is a thankless job. But we're not in it for thanks, so no matter. Doesn't keep me from being surprised at certain behavior though. -_-


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I'd thank you more if everyone stopped saying how thankless of a job it is in those monthly "thanks u staff" topics. :P


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I'd thank you more if everyone stopped saying how thankless of a job it is in those monthly "thanks u staff" topics. :P



I'm not staff on this site. And BS01 doesn't have thank you topics. :P



When did I say vandals like you? I said they are on whenever you are :P

Hey, it's a direct quote. :P

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I wouldn't be a member you are friendly with but tempted to block, would I?

Congrats anyways!

Nah, you have nothing to worry about.


Get use to it Gravy. :P


~ Bioran

Shaddup. :P

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