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A Leap Of Faith



So that guy who liked me and I have been together for a while as friends. Times together were good, times together weren't so sweet at certain periods, but it has come to the point where he popped the question to me.


I knew that this phase in life would come upon me, but I actually hadn't expected it to be so soon! I supposed that I'd get my first boyfriend in university, if you can believe it.


And now this happened.



We've been shooting questions back and forth since then: What are your flaws? Your greatest points? What do you hope to see in your ideal 'other'? Ironically, I fit some of his criteria, and he to mine. When he told me all he had to say, he said it was all up to me.


I've been mulling over this. I'm about to tell him that my answer is 'Yes'.


This is definitely a leap of faith for me. *crosses fingers* Here goes nothing.


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He didn't pop "The Question", did he? If you have any cause for hesitation, your answer to "The Question" should not be 'Yes'.


If it's a less-life-changing question, well, I back off of my advice.



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*waves hands wildly in KIE's direction* Nonononono, not THAT question! :lol: It's not that life-changing. I do not suddenly see the world in technicolour.



I'm too young, BCii? :o



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I do not suddenly see the world in technicolour.
Such a shame, I hear Oz is nice this time of year with just a slight chance of falling house.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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