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Weekly Update - 11/24

Black Six


And so it begins, once you start slipping from your schedule, there's no going back, or so I hear. I was busy yesterday with Black Friday and friends home from school, so I didn't get a chance to post an update. I have one here for you now though, so better late than never.


This isn't going to be a long update, the past week was fairly uneventful. We had our usual helping of spammers, but with Tufi's help we were able to take care of them fairly quickly. With Thanksgiving, there wasn't a lot of time to focus on the site, but we've been brainstorming some things based on feedback we've been getting from members. It may take a while before you guys see anything tangible come out of it though. I'm hoping to make a small announcement tomorrow, nothing that will affect any of you, but just another little thing we like to do.


I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and is enjoying their weekend.


Feedback is always welcome! Speaking of which, would anyone be interested in a mailbag feature where you guys send me questions and I answer them in the next Weekly Update?


See you next time!


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I never get why spammers do what they do. It never accomplishes anything. Although, I would like to know; when the forums are taken off-line and the message says "We'll be right back." or something like that, does that mean somebody spammed and the topic is being deleted?


I had a great Thanksgiving, thanks for asking :P, I gained four pounds though :o (I can eat a lot).


Mailbag feature for sending you questions? Good idea, but I thought we already had one: New Member Q&A :P. Seriously though, that'd be a great idea.

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Well, I was thinking of something along the lines of my Better Know An Admin entry from a while ago, except with BZP-related questions. They could be things about the history of the site, the staff, other members, etc.


For you first question. When a spammer begins posting we do often take the forums offline so the posts and topics can be removed. Other times we're tweaking settings or playing with new features we're considering implementing. Before the New Member policy was put in place we turned the forum offline for a bit so we could do some testing to make sure what we wanted to do was workable.

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For you first question. When a spammer begins posting we do often take the forums offline so the posts and topics can be removed. Other times we're tweaking settings or playing with new features we're considering implementing. Before the New Member policy was put in place we turned the forum offline for a bit so we could do some testing to make sure what we wanted to do was workable.

Interesting, so when the forums are offline, do all staff members still have access to the forums, or just the admins?


Also, the New Member Policy is brilliant, but what if some new members know of the policy, post non-spam posts ten times so that they're in the regular member group, and then post something spam-like or inappropriate? Well, I guess that there wouldn't be anything that could be done about that. Almost everything has a flaw in it somewhere. Still, I hope that spammers will give up on BZP.


One last question: when we use the report button, should we include our username in the report? I've heard mixed answers, and I'd like that cleared up.


And to think I thought the staff ran around like beheaded chickens when the boards were offline.



:lol: I've had that same thought too.

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Some of the staff have access when the board is offline, but not all.


Yes the policy won't catch them all, but it will catch some, which is what matters.


Your username is automatically included in the report when you send it.

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Hmm, I like to read these updates but never find time to respond.


Well, glad the week wasn't too eventful... gave everybody a good Thanksgiving break. And, yeah, if you started answering some questions in your blog, that would be really cool, to get to see the answers to some good questions... or something like that.



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6) Why do most Staff members have brown hair?


Genetic predisposition. The gene for brown hair is located on the same chromosome as the one for moderating.

Oh? Does that mean that some Brown haired people have a better chance of being picked for Modding? (JK)

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I think that a mailbag could be quite usefull, as long as it wouldn't be too much work for what it's worth.

I think it could cut down on the "Things to Make Bzpower Better" topics, and direct the ideas were they need to go. :)

Glad you had a slightly relaxing Thanksgiving too.


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