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The Unawnserable Question

Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins


there is one question in this world that not evan scientists can awnser. can you? post the awnsers here


heres the question:


is a mirror a solid object? or is the person on the other side just pushing you back?


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If the chicken came first, it needed an egg o get out of :evilgrin:

yes but eggs cant exist without chikens therefore the chiken came first ^_^ actually the real reason i thing so i can't say cus its religous

The egg came first. A creature that had evolved into an almost-chicken laid an egg, which hatched into the first actual chicken.



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If the chicken came first, it needed an egg o get out of :evilgrin:

yes but eggs cant exist without chikens therefore the chiken came first ^_^ actually the real reason i thing so i can't say cus its religous

The egg came first. A creature that had evolved into an almost-chicken laid an egg, which hatched into the first actual chicken.



where are the remains of these "almost chickens"?


cus that'd be flipping awesome


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