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Smash Bros. Rant



I'll be killed by people on the internet for this...


There are a few things about some Smash Bros. fans that really get on my nerves. (I'm talking about all around the internet not just here.)


First is about people who complain about the Smash Bros. Dojo, I'll use a few examples. People complained about the widescreen support and the Donkey Kong. People said it was one of the worst updates ever, yet I think it is important to know that there is widescreen support, vsure not everyone has an HDTV however we will be getting one later this year (a.k.a for Christmas) so that is important to me. Odds are it is important to other people as well.


On that same note, the "You must recover!" update was also hated by people. Imagine this, you've never played a Smash Bros. game, what if -you- didn't know you could do a midair recovery? Sure it is common sense, but not everyone is an expert.


On this same subject, people complain about the updates. Why? You should consider yourself lucky that you even get these updates. With the amount of complaints, I'd rather have the updates taken away. Whether an update is good or bad, you are still finding out a lot about the game before it is released, so stop complaining!


On another note, stop guessing what the next update will be! I've noticed people post that one thing in a single post on BZP. That is a waste of bandwidth, if you are going to post it do it in a post with a ton of other stuff. So remember only you can save the Bandwidth Forest. ;)


Another thing that I personally find annoying is the arguments that are created from making Character rosters, sure I have my favorites who I want to see in there but I'm not going to fight over it. Some characters have a larger chance, for example, I'll use Black Mage as an Square Enix rep, why? He's been in more successful SE games on a Nintendo Platform than Sora from Kingdom Hearts for example. Sora was only in one game for the GBA that didn't do all that well. The point is I see so many fights break out about these things, said fights are not good. Some characters have higher chances than others, deal with it. There is no way for you to change that. So people from around the net, you must live with that. Stop bickering about small things like that.


True fans of Smash Bros. will wait until they are on the battlefield before they fight. ;)


End of rant for now.


FYI, don't even think of trying to spark an argument here.




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*Hands Over Maduin and Golem magicite*


Black Mage and Gilgamesh would both be good Square Enix reps.


I lean to Gilgamesh. But Black Mage would be ok.



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*Checks for mines*

I know. It's like people expect to get all the info handed tothem on asilver platter and a side dish of MGS4.

I'm happy with the updates, I don't need to know all the characters, just how many. Leaves some mystery, which is hard to find this day and age

*Slips on a bananna peal, falls on mine anyway and gets blown to smitherines*

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"I have the right to complain about my FREE DAILY THINGS! I don't care about the screenshots, confirm characters now!"

Ugh. So annoying.


On a different note:

*Holds up Black Mage support flag, and goes to the Dojo*

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Widescreen support? Why would anyone actually complain about that. I don't have a widescreen TV... or a Wii for that matter... but I can say that widescreen support is great for the times when it can be harnessed.


On this same subject, people complain about the updates. Why? You should consider yourself lucky that you even get these updates. With the amount of complaints, I'd rather have the updates taken away. Whether an update is good or bad, you are still finding out a lot about the game before it is released, so stop complaining!
I couldn't agree more.
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To understand this conceit (extended metaphor) you have to understand a few key analogies.


Muffins = Dojo updates


We, Smashers, have gotten quite used to our morning muffins. Five times a week, we’re treated to muffins of a variety of flavors. Character muffins. Item muffins. Stage muffins. Sometimes, we wake up and fine several kinds of muffins all delivered to us at once: a virtual basket of multifarious treats. Yet, in this state so graciously supported by the Muffin Man himself, we have grown greedy. Though our muffins are delivered free of cost to our homes every morning, we complain and desire more. Some have expressed the desire for Full-motion-Video milk to accompany every muffin. Others have developed an addiction to a limited flavor of muffin like Character muffins.


For those of us who feel that the recent string of muffins have been a little stale, and unsatisfying, allow me to shed some light on the situation. We have done ourselves a great disservice, and I fear the Muffin Man’s kindness is to blame. About a month ago, the Muffin Man invited people to tour the Muffin Factory at a special event called Muffins-4-all. A limited number of us got the golden opportunity to attend. At this event, hundreds of previously unknown muffins were revealed to the world in such a short time, and we consumed them all. Now, when the Muffin Man sends us such muffins by morning, the magic and the appreciation is gone.


Perhaps the only thing that can remedy our predicament is when we shall inherit the Factory on February 10th. Then we’ll be able to eat all the muffins our stomaches and minds can hold.


Do you know the Muffin Man? He’s hard at work at the Muffin factory for our future.


In other words, for those who like to complain…. suck it up.


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well, all I can say is that people will be people, and gamestop (and EB games to you canadians) will eventally get the Demo for Brawl.


oh, about widescreen support, how about you try and list some of the games that do have widescreen support.


I can name one:


F-Zero GX

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