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Weekly Update - 11/30

Black Six



Hey, I'm getting this out on time this week! I'm also going to try some formatting and see how that works out. So sit back, relax and enjoy the read.



So, the biggest story of the past week was the Senior Staff announcement. I'd like to thank the old fogies again (not that I have any room to talk) for their commitment for all these years. As always, I'm going to tease and say the staff updates aren't done yet, but we don't really have a time frame on when we'll be making anything public. Let's see, what else? We should have a staff set review popping up this weekend, so there's something to look forward to. We're also working on some other ways to stop spammers, nothing as drastic as the New Member Policy, but something that will hopefully be just as effective. Don't want to reveal anymore on that until we're ready though. Other than aht, things have been fairly quiet. Bink has obviously been going great guns over at Bionicle.com, I can't wait to see the new design. Some comic news from Greg too, it should be interesting to see how the new artist works out next year. Oh yeah, RPG contest starts at 12AM tomorrow morning (about 2 hours from now)!



I brought this up last week and got some positive feedback on it, so I figured I'd start it up. PM your questions and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update. Sound good? Great!



That's all for this week. These things may not be too exciting, but I'm trying to let people in on how the site works some. People claim we're very impersonal, and while it's true I don't have time to post a lot on the forums, I will reply to PMs and IMs and Blog Comments. I'm here for you guys, and am always willing to hear from you!


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