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New Serials



Hey guys,


So we have started talking about new serials for next year, as the OOMN goes to war with the Brotherhood. Binkmeister and I are still firming up what they will be, but it looks like one first half of the year one is going to feature a very unusual team on a mission against the BOM. Who are they? Try:


Brutaka (team leader)



Makuta Spiriah




I can't WAIT to start writing this one :)


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Takadox of course needs to get the heck away from the Barraki.

You almost made Sprite come out of my nose...


Although I would love to see more of Pridak I love this team. I don't understand how Brutaka is suddenly so trusted, but nevertheless it sounds great.

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Brutaka: I expected that he would take a position back on the 'good' side. And he and MoMN may get to finish their little duel.

Spiriah: Reconciliation for the Makuta! Granted, he is only acting in his own interest, but at least he is on the OoMN's side. And Brutaka should keep him in line.

Vezon: HECK YES!!! He needs some tool though, otherwise he is lacking in abilities. The personality will be like a twisted Lewa.

Roodaka: Her reasoning still makes sense, wanting to be on the winning team and all. Just like all the others, she has her faults, but considering how her island was just repaired to perfection, and the Hagah are helping her species, it really is her only real choice to avoid being killed.

Caraper and Takadox: I want to know how they can breath air again. They must be greatful for that. Anyways, these two will indeed make a strange addition. However, they never were explicitly evil, heck they even attacked the BoM before.


This are about to get interesting.

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*Fan girl scream.*


You brought Brutaka back again, and he's back as a good guy, just like I said he'd be!


*Tackles and hugs the big golden and blue guy.*


I can't wait to see the persanality clash between him and Roodaka. I just can't see her taking him as a superior very easily. And I just know that Vezon's gonna get on the others' nerves. I'm thinking that Carapar might feel a bit left out since there are now three beings he's teamed with that are stronger then him. (At least, I think so. The Makuta's stronger then him, right?) It'll also be nice to learn more about the Makuta of Zaxaz.


*Hugs Brutaka again, then runs off to see if I can sceam up some kind of artwork in honor of this.*

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Wow. This many replies already. And a Makuta's fighting with the Order. And 2 Barraki. Looks like the whole world pretty much hates the BOM now. And if the princess of traitors (Kerrigan's the queen, lol Starcraft humor) joins the group, then maybe I know why the Phantoka are so ugly...maybe a Mutation spinner in the back?


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: And Brutaka's in the lead. The former OOMN member comes back to the good side. Sweet. :voyanui:

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I'm glad to see old characters'll be coming back for the whole of '08. I enjoyed the serials for the most part this year, and that teams sounds, at least, interesting.

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I hope we do more of this 'marvel team up' like things. I'd love t have pridak, but I'm glad that they have carapar and takadox, too cool!

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Let's see...

Nonbeliever, quintuple agent, the definition of crazy, defector, and the Barraki's own dynamic duo! '08 just keeps getting better and better!

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Brutaka: Volatile alleigance w/OOMN

Roodaka: Has every oraganization exept the OOMN seriously ticked

Vezon: Crazier than Karzahni after Makuta's attack.

Spiriah: He has the Brotherhood SERIOUSLY ticked now...

Carapar: Not sure where he came from...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Takadox: *Barrakki: Grrrrr.....* *Takadox:*Screams like little girl**

Best. Serial. EVER!

Gee, Lewa, Antroz, Radiak and Tanma oughta have a sales boost.

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Yay Vezon. Wait he dosn't have any weapons or powers? What could he possibly do? Maybe the OoMN tamper with him to give him powers or at least give him a weapon. Does he still have the chain that attached him to Fenrakk/ Kardas?

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Roodaka will probably betray the team at the first chance she gets. She knows it won`t help so much, but she decides to give it a try.

I just can`t stop laughing! The Brotherhood doesn`t know if Vezon has any powers so that means it could be like this:

" Fear my powers you creatures of darkness! Fall back, or I will have to destroy you with my powers of destruction!" Screamed Vezon at a small group of Makuta. They we`re getting confused if they should attack or if they should do as he said. They picked the first one. One of the makuta started to activate his/hers powers and was aiming for Vezon. " Uh... Brutaka? Little help here? Oh Mata Nui, They are coming for me!" Yelled Vezon.


That would totally rock! :biggrin:

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:superfunny: Oh, this is gonna be great! I would have never thought all of these guys would go up against the BoM. I wanna see how the new books turn out. I'm looking foward to 09 and it's not even 08!



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how would Vezon work? his Spear of Fusion got broke in half and he doesnt have the Mask of Life....'


this will definately be interesting,ill look forward to see it


interesting team,though.......


and as for Brutaka, they probably recognized a misunderstanding, because i think it was the Piraka who pruswaded him that Mata-Nui abandoned Voya Nui (somewhere along those lines)


but i cant remember that, so......

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This sounds like it'll be really awesome. I can't wait to have Brutaka good again. But aren't Roodaka, Vezon, Carapar & Takadox, and a Makuta evil? Why would a Maktua go against his own Brotherhood? Anyways, I'm excited for this it should be sweet. Thanks a ton for the info Mr. F. :)

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Roodaka: Was NOT expecting that one. We've already got a recipie for disaster cooking here...

Vezon: Mr. Powerless Insanity Complex? Ho, boy, this ain't good...

Spiriah: Primary target for BoM sighted. I wonder what he'll be like...

Carapar and Takadox: WHOA, what are they doing out of the Pit while breathing? Speaking of which, the same goes for Brutaka... Mabye Idris's or Ehlek's breathing devices? Hmm.... I wonder if Takadox was the one who had the dealings with the BoM... Or did they mean Pridak?


All in all: I'm rendered speechless, so to speak.

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Brutaka: hes a water breather now, and was banished to the pit, now hes a leader?

Roodaka: i wonder how long it will take before she betrays them.

Vezon: this will be very interesting...considering hes so insane and all...

Makuta Spiriah: i was shocked when i saw this, to say the least.

Carapar: water breather and as dumb as a post.

Takadox: again, water breather.


they're going to need a lot of equipment to get the water breathers. and maybe to restrain vezon...

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they're going to need a lot of equipment to get the water breathers. and maybe to restrain vezon...

Why would he need restraining? Insane doesn't necessarily mean "going to kill you if he gets a chance"-- in Vezon's case it doesn't mean that at all. Certainly he's dangerous, but I think he's the only one among them who's not truly evil-- therefore they're all far more dangerous than him.

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