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2008 Sets Have Been Labeled As...




Pohatu isn't as win as I had thought though, he's too flat and wide. Like a pancake.


But Vamprah is MORE WIN than I thought. So evil and batlike. I love the feet... and the way he walks is so creepy.

One problem: NO MATA BLUE!


I was hoping he would be Mata blue. It would provide so much more contrast and interest.

The small sets make me sad, though. The torsos are one piece. So sad... and I hate the way the necks connect on some of them.
And the wings are sad... I thought they were two pieces...

Only the limbs save them. Hopefuly they won't cost too much.


I'm sad that Kopaka's chest is gunmetal. Instead of bley.


Oh, and I was right about them rediesigning the ball connectors. Hopefuly that makes them more sturdy. Too many of mine have broken.


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Well, no Mata red/blue in the Makuta Phantoka may mean my old theory is still valid, that being that bright colors have been reserved for the Nuva. Which means we can expect Tahu and Gali in Mata red and blue.


Sure, LEGO's probably going to prove me wrong, but one can always hope, right?


Pohatu is indeed less spiffy than I had anticipated... the new tools are disappointing (I thought there would be some function where you just pull on the back to convert it from propellors to drills, and I don't like the look of them). Kopaka's mask looks better than I expected... while it bears minimal resemblance to the old Akaku Nuva, I think that is a plus rather than a minus (the old Akaku Nuva looked more like a Hau than an Akaku IMO anyway). And so what if it looks slightly like a Ruru? If LEGO can make its similarity to past masks after seven years of sets less than or the same as its similarity to past masks after one year I welcome it with open arms. And Lewa is still awesome.


And the Makuta Phantoka? I have little faith in the torso's MOCing potential but so far no major disappointment aside from the colors.

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