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And The Puppies Cry In The Night

Kallista ~ Little light


Well actually in the day when you are next to them and not touching or holding them... they are vary cuddly puppies. Once you pick them up they shut up.


Saw the Chiropractor the other day and got snapped back together (kinda) but he says my back is tight so he wants to see me next week (before he leaves on holidays) So I'm kinda happy that we can fix it some more... I have been getting pains in my chest (right over my heart between my lungs) it's kinda like a tingly feeling like when your foot is falling asleep.


Well on the good side of things I'm attending a Young Adults banquet on Friday. It's for all the young adults in the lower mainland aria and I'm going to a friend's house before hand who is a Makeup artist I shall hope to see if I can get some pictures from the party.


Now I'm going to hold a puppy... they are sleeping right now.


Lady Ranna


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