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Crunch Time Into Bits, Ban Coffee, & Answer This Question




Blog Question: Sidebar Content Block length. What do you guys think? Is it best if I cut out a lot of that content so that there are barely any sidebars at all and it's kept really short? Or do you guys like having lotsa stuff on the sidebars to read? I'm torn between cutting out all the quotes and the complaint topic archive, putting them in blog entries and keeping the images only except for the lists of award winners stuff -- or between cutting out just a few things to tidy up.

Dreaded Real Life: One class down, two to go! :D I had to pull my first ever true all-nighter to finish that History Methods essay Sunday night. Wasn't as great of quality as I used to be able to produce sans a job, and I'm basically resigned to the fact that I'll only barely pass that class and my GPA will go down to a 3.6 something as opposed to the current 3.7. But whatever. I don't care anymore. I just want college to be over.

Note: I did that totally without any performance enhancing drugs. That is, coffee. ;) Once one of you suggested drinking coffee. I never got around to posting my rant. ;)

Coffee is a performance-enhancing drug and should be illegal. In sports, everybody whines when someone takes steriods to get an edge over the competition. Yet in our workplaces, we allow the equivalent to run rampant. This is wrong. Coffee is a drug that manipulates your body and can cause addiction.

I say no. I refuse to use any drugs to "get an edge." Other than cheese. But it's not really a drug. And it doesn't count as an addiction because, ya know, it's cheese. Anyways, I refuse to accept the premise that if I cannot stay awake to complete an overloaded to-do-list, I should use drugs to overcome my exhaustion.

NO! Guess what would happen if everybody drank coffee? Professors would assign ridiculously more amounts of homework because "you can handle it now." EVIL! It's already happening, and you know it's been happening for years in the workplace. Imagine if all coffee suddenly was recalled for e-coli or whatever. Our economy would come to a crashing halt. You know it. Break free!


Wean yourself from the addiction! Seek help! Be free to be you, not a Coffeeholic!


As I was saying. Two more days, and then the entire planet is going to hear echoes from my shout of joy. I am going to be free of the shackles of evil homework FOREVER! MUAHAHAHAHA!


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Well, the long content blocks fit you because you like to post long posts, and if you have long posts after replies to entries, then it's like you have content blocks alongside you all the way to the bottom of the page... :wacko:


I personally don't like coffee, and have also noticed that, as a treat for finals week, you can get a free shot of espresso. But doesn't a little bit of coffee have some sort of health benefit? Maybe that's red wine? And besides, isn't it the caffeine in the coffee that's the actual problem? And then what about all the countries whose major export is coffee beans?



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I am inclined to say that your blocks take up alot of my bandwidth, and thus it can take up to five minutes for me to look at your blog. By all means, archive them somewhere. ;) \


As for coffee, I hate it. Tea is better. Give me a green ginseng biloba tea any day!


... But I fail to see how you can justify the cheese bit. I mean, if cheese is just, y'know, cheese, then coffee is just, well, coffee... :shrugs:



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Oh, you just had to do the whole ban coffee thing because I IMed you today... I tell you, I get no respect from this awesome guy :P

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Like the guy a couple of posts up, I'm more of a tea person. And I'm not even much of that--- who needs caffeine when you can get a SUGAR HIGH!?!?!? Gimme a couple of slices of toast with Nutella spread on top, and I'm ready to roll! :wired:


Oh, and you spelled "ridiculously" wrong. :happy:

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Wean yourself from the addiction! Seek help! Be free to be you, not a Coffeeholic!

Don't listen to him, easily swayed masses! As a coffee shop Barista, I demand you indulge your coffee-desires! Drink!


That said, I don't much care for coffee personally. I can do some Espresso here and there, but I also refuse to drink caffeine to stay awake. It's simply not good for you to get used to doing such a thing. Plus, coffee itself is not very good. Though the smell has become a welcome aroma to my poor nostrils.


Tea is where it's at. Or if you're just looking for a warm beverage, everyone should drink apple cider. Mmmmm....



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I would say as far as the blog goes, to maybe just archive some of the older quotes or something. Nothing drastic.

As far as coffee goes, I'm kind of picky. I don't like normal black coffee. I'm okay with sugar and creamer in it (although I don't particularly like the extra calories). I love Frappacinos and the like. I hate the high prices associated with them.

As far as the caffiene goes, the only thing I've found that affects me is a McDonald's Iced Coffee (which I believe is Seattle's Best, so theoretically, it could do the same). It was kind of scary though, not only were my fingers vibrating and I was hyperactive, my fingers were also curling involuntarily.

And it was at my Driver's Ed class to boot.


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Blog Question: Sidebar Content Block length. What do you guys think? Is it best if I cut out a lot of that content so that there are barely any sidebars at all and it's kept really short? Or do you guys like having lotsa stuff on the sidebars to read? I'm torn between cutting out all the quotes and the complaint topic archive, putting them in blog entries and keeping the images only except for the lists of award winners stuff -- or between cutting out just a few things to tidy up.


>No they are just to long.


Dreaded Real Life: One class down, two to go! I had to pull my first ever true all-nighter to finish that History Methods essay Sunday night. Wasn't as great of quality as I used to be able to produce sans a job, and I'm basically resigned to the fact that I'll only barely pass that class and my GPA will go down to a 3.6 something as opposed to the current 3.7. But whatever. I don't care anymore. I just want college to be over.


Note: I did that totally without any performance enhancing drugs. That is, coffee. Once one of you suggested drinking coffee. I never got around to posting my rant.


>You're in college? I thought you were like 20.


Coffee is a performance-enhancing drug and should be illegal. In sports, everybody whines when someone takes steriods to get an edge over the competition. Yet in our workplaces, we allow the equivalent to run rampant. This is wrong. Coffee is a drug that manipulates your body and can cause addiction.


I say no. I refuse to use any drugs to "get an edge." Other than cheese. But it's not really a drug. And it doesn't count as an addiction because, ya know, it's cheese. Anyways, I refuse to accept the premise that if I cannot stay awake to complete an overloaded to-do-list, I should use drugs to overcome my exhaustion.


>But, I like coffee.


NO! Guess what would happen if everybody drank coffee? Professors would assign ridiculously more amounts of homework because "you can handle it now." EVIL! It's already happening, and you know it's been happening for years in the workplace. Imagine if all coffee suddenly was recalled for e-coli or whatever. Our economy would come to a crashing halt. You know it. Break free!




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