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Leaving School

Spoony Bard


So I have decided to no longer return to college after this semester. I wish to pursue other things in life such as working skills and stuff.


And plus they canceled my registration for next semester because of a late bill that was due next week.




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Well, at least the "cancelling" worked out for you. ;P That's really weird...


I'm not going to school next semester, either....but that's because I can't afford it yet. >>

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Um, don't you need a degree?

Even though I know you're the rebel type that could care less.

But I think it would help.

Um, don't you need a degree?




In what? You don't need a degree unless the profession he's pursuing requires one.

A common misconception is that the best jobs out there require continued education. This is not always true, while sometimes getting on the job training takes longer to get to a certain level, it is not impossible.

I see commercials for my job (Pharmacy tech) all the time and it is actually a waste of money to go through all that schooling since they hire most employees right off the street :P


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Hey, I'd be willing to hire you in my successful construction company in a few years.


You can get me coffee, or something.

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