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Weekly Update - 12/14

Black Six



I'm sneaking this one up just in time. Another busy Friday, but hopefully the last one for a while. Maybe I'll go more into that another time. Anyway, we're about to reach the end of that seven day cycle we call a week, and it's time for that BZPower recap-like thing.



So, one or two things might have happened this week, just maybe. Some more set reviews (with another in the pipe for this weekend hopefully) were posted with much fanfare. A new Blog Assistant was promoted, and told to keep his hands off my blog; I don't want anyone messing around here. ;) Congrats Valenti! Of course there was also the announcement of the Post Approvers group. Kex, WaWa and Mak have been doing a great job already helping keep the approval queues low. In an ideal world, we won't have to keep the New Member Approval system around forever, but for the time being, these guys are lifesavers. Thanks again guys!


Oh yeah, and the 2008 sets appeared on S@H; I guess they figured everyone else was doing it, so they wanted a head start. There's still plenty of time left for a certain Santa-based holiday, so get to bugging your parents if that's what you want to see under the tree. It's interesting to note that the first 2007 sets showed up on Shop@Home in early November of 2006, so things actually happened quite a bit later this year. I'm fine with that though, they're 2008 sets, they should release them in 2008, in my opinion. As always, opinions seemed to be mixed on these guys, but I think they'll grom on most people after a while.



Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Nobody submitted any questions this week. I feel so unloved. :(


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Only two more Weekly Updates until we hit 2008. Who knows what will happen then, maybe things will change completely, or maybe they'll stay the same. You'll just have to keep checking back to find out. Thanks for reading everyone, and see you again next week!


Recommended Comments

Another review? Good to hear, they are always quite handy for me.

Always good to hear about staff promotions and the like, I know you pick the right people. :)

No mailbag questions? *Begins to think up good questions*


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