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Quote: "You might say I saw the light ... by looking into the darkness."


Personality: Leader of the shadow Matoran, Gavla's hatred for her own people makes her a formidable enemy. She fights the Matoran of Light as much because she enjoys it as because she has been ordered to.


Weapons: Claws blades; teeth


Powers: Vertigo -- can disrupt the sense of balance in a target (when linked with Makuta only); shadow energy


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Wow...sounds like a nasty sort. Neat powers though.


Interesting. You don't usually see extremely evil and vicious female Bionicles, much less Ga-matoran.

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I can't wait to finally find out the names of the Kanohi worn by the various Av-Matoran.


~ name.jpg

There ain't much chance we will, I'm afraid, at least not until they appear in powered versions on sets/combos. =-/


I quite like this fella, though -- interesting that Kirop ain't the leader still. Oh, and please get into the Av-Matoran soon. :P



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I can't wait to finally find out the names of the Kanohi worn by the various Av-Matoran.


~ name.jpg

Greg said that he won't be releasing names and powers of the Av Matorans Kanohi.

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Leader, huh? I'm liking Gavla. I remember that bit you gave us about how she wasn't so popular as an Av-Matoran, so it makes sense that she could see becoming a Shadow Matoran as her chance for revenge. Hence the reason she hates them so much.


By the way, are there any more Shadow Matoran in story besides these three?

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Creepy. And here I thought back when all we knew of the Shadow Matoran was their pictures that they were kindred souls. :D

And yeah, there are more Shadow Matoran. Vican for one.



:t: :m_o: :c:

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Pretty sure this is the first blue leader, yes.


A few people have PM'd asking why it was that Kirop was not still the leader. Two reasons, basically -- one, the Makuta got Gavla first. And two, remaining as leader would mean the Makuta respected Av-Matoran authority and power structure, which they don't. Assigning their own leader to the shadow Matoran says, "We are in charge here."


Av-Matoran bios will start today.



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