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First Attempt At Blogging



Saturday morning, and still 6000 words to go on BL #6. Behind schedule, especially with an EXO-FORCE book to be started right after this. Sometimes, when you hit the three-quarter mark, the book picks up speed and finishes itself -- sometimes you are still pushing the ol' sled uphill. :)


Eventful month coming up -- meeting with Scholastic on Tuesday, then off to Billund for BIONICLE meetings, and then a week of LEGO Club meetings. Going to be hard to squeeze writing in with all that. As I always tell people, any day I am not in front of my computer writing is a wasted day.


Other than that, just trying to decide if it makes sense to replace chunks of my comic collection with those new "40 Years of ..." software sets Marvel has come out with. Downside is you have to read them at your computer (they're Adobe PDFs) -- upside is 11 CDs are a lot lighter than two or three long boxes of comics, and I do need to winnow my collection down so it doesn't take up so much space -- space being at a premium since I got married. Anyone own any of the software sets? Any thoughts?




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I can see there is a lot on your mind Greg. :P


Must be difficult juggling what to do for you... you have so much work with BIONICLE and EXO-FORCE, LEGOClub and all those other LEGO stuff, and of course life. But you seem to always pull it off.


As for Marvel CD sets... I rarely read comic (except BIONICLE comics)... so can't really say much there.


Keep on bloggin!

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6000 words! That's a lot. IF you need anyone to pre-read BL6, just ask me! I could write a review, or something. About the comics, I can't really help there. The only comics I've ever read besides Bionicle are 2 looney toons comics in a bet. I read them, but then I never got the money for the bet! :angry: Oh well. Sorry can't help there.

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Guest Wobo Ihi


You're writing an Exo-Force book?

Well, good luck with the writing, Greg.

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Maybe you can have David and Terry do some of it for you. Like the meetings. :)


Well I sure loved the second comic you wrote! I like the artwork too. You and Stuart make a great team! I like the part where Axonn says "I will clean you off this island, Piraka, like the foul plague you are!" :lol: Ha ha! I got a kick out of that.


Thok11 Keep it up Greg and Stuart!




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Heh, and I thought my schedule was crammed... good luck fitting everything in!


Other than that, just trying to decide if it makes sense to replace chunks of my comic collection with those new "40 Years of ..." software sets Marvel has come out with. Downside is you have to read them at your computer (they're Adobe PDFs) -- upside is 11 CDs are a lot lighter than two or three long boxes of comics, and I do need to winnow my collection down so it doesn't take up so much space -- space being at a premium since I got married. Anyone own any of the software sets? Any thoughts?

I don't have that software, but I did get the digital Bionicle comic collection on the BrickMaster Vault CD, and I find I like that a lot. The physical comics are all tucked away (although not in sleeves, darn my eyes), and if I want to find something specific it's a heckuva lot easier to zoom through PDFs than to thumb through a coupla dozen comics. I didn't find that having to sit at my computer is a hardship (go figure), and I also found one of the benefits was the ability to zoom in to see details my aging eyes didn't readily spot.


And since I've got kids who read these more than I do, it saves on wear and tear from their grubby li'l fingers.


Were I to actively plan it out, I'd keep the "investment" comics in sleeves, tucked away somewhere, and get the digital versions for entertainment. My comic collection isn't unwieldy at this point, so it's not as much of an issue, but I do use the electronic versions of the older Bionicle comics much more readily than the physical printed version.


Hope this helps!

- Bink

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Greg, you seem just like me. I get nervous about something long that I must write, then i just seem to zoom through it. Hey, is it just me, or are vague details about something due the hardest to work with?


Anyhoo, like Binky said, keep your old comics as investments. Knowing you, i'm sure you have quite a few issue #1's lying around...


And hey, maybe you can get a palm pilot and export some of the comics to that. pdf's, right?


~GN (Y)

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I'd have to agree with Bink on the comics. I mean a set of 11 CDs is much easier to zoom through then 40 Years of Comic Books? Then there's the fact that you can still keep the comics, but toss them into the Attic or somewhere locked away where no one can discard them. Plus how much is each set? If it's nothing too expensive I'd say grab them all, or if it is pretty expensive just grab the ones you like the most first, then start to get them in order from most like to least like.



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Hey, didn't know you were such a Comic fan. You should talk to my History teacher about stuff like that - he's an avid fan of comic stuff. Good stuff about BL#6 - Nice to know it's coming along well. Exo-Force books? Kewl. Should be interesting to pick up.



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BL6? I'm assuming that's a 2007 book? Awesome. I'd ask for a quote, but we haven't even gotten the third book of this year, so it'd probably just be annoying for you. :P As for the comics, I'd take the disks. Even though it's PDF, I think it's better than all those boxes of comics. Plus, it'd be easier to look up a file or CD, than it is to sift through the loads of comics packed together in boxes.

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6000 words? How many are supposed to be in a book, 10000? Well, you better get working! Just kidding. You do have a lot of work ahead of you, though. I'd like to say I do too, but.. I don't.

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If you're releasing them on disk, put them on DVDs. That way there wont have to be as many disks. CD=700 MB DVD=4.7 GB=4,813 MB 700*7=4,900 So, 1 DVD is roughly 7 CDs, so release it on DVD.

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About the comic problem: I highly recommend the "40 years of..." collections. The X-men set that my dad ordered came today, and it's really cool. It has profiles of most of the mutatnts, all of the annuals, and very well organized menus. If you can find it in the $30.00 price range, then you should get it, but I'd draw the line at anything over $40.00.

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