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Merry Christmas! ^^



Merry Christmas, everybody. ^_^ Hope you had an awesome time today!


And before you all ask: no, the big mystery box wasn't a technological wonder or a computer or anything like that - it would have been awesome beyond recognition if it was, but it wasn't. :P


Rather, it was a $200 art set: pastel, pencils, watercolor pencils, oil, acrylic, watercolor, a spatula, a tabletop easel - you name it, it's probably in there. @_@ My grandpa wanted to get me something really nice for Christmas, so that's what he got me. Whee! ^^


I played around with the oils a lot this afternoon. And the turpentine to clean them with. Flamabble materials. Funfun. :D


I also got:


- Mad Gab

- About ten pounds of chocolate in some shape, manner or form

- 18 different brown/sepia pencils (something I specifically asked for on numerous occasions, so whoo!)

- 2 3x5 sketchbooks

- A 2008 penguin calendar (ITS NOT CATS. FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE. YESSSS)

- Need For Speed - Carbon for GC

- A comic-making kit from DickBlick (with all those humongous purdy art boards and all that stuff, hee. :3)

- Socks (Yes, I asked for socks)

- Michael W. Smith's new Christmas album

- FFH's new album

- Bionicle Legends #8

- A new watch (lost my old one hiking with my bro)

- Hand-crafted Recipe Box from my grandmother

- Betty Crocker Cookbook (family tradition- I was supposed to get it for my birthday, but it was out of stock)

- Axonn (NO idea where they found him)

- Vamprah :happydance: :happydance:

- Gavla

- Tanma

- Lewa Phantoka :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

- My brother's GameBoy SP (now that he has a DS *which he wubs*, I can use his SP instead of my Advance)

- Two different sweatshirts, a fry pin, assorted food items, and a santa hat: all gifts from McDs handed out in a promotional gig for the employees since the 13th (I missed Movie Ticket Day, cause it was on a Sunday and I can't work Sundays. >< ).


And we still have gifts from assorted family that has yet to arrive in the mail.




I have NEVER EVER gotten this much on a single Christmas... and I didn't even ASK for more than two things... O_o


It's really creepy... and awkward... ><;;;;;




But yes, merry Christmas guys, and enjoy today with all you've got! :D




Recommended Comments

- Michael W. Smith's new Christmas album

Pshaw... We all know that Relient K and Jars of Clay's Christmas albums were great too, and Hawk Nelson's EP is terrific too. :P



But yeah, enjoy your Christmas, lass. Have a good one. ^^



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You got more Bionicle than Aanchir and I... COMBINED?


This must be a momentous event, the day on which a person with many interests other than Lego, a person with an eventful life outside BZP, a cool person, got more Bionicle sets than the both of us.


Merry Christmas, you lucky duck. :P

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