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I wasn't expecting anything. Well, except for a mix CD my brother said he was gonna make for me. He made them for everyone.

But as it turns out, I got plenty. How? I don't know.

8 Kit Kat bars, & a
$10 Borders gift card from my sister.
$25 Borders giftcard from my cousins.
$50 from my grandparents.
$25 from my parents (living in Hawaii is expensive!)
A Halo 3 poster that I already have (I'll return it for other stuffs) from my other cousins.
The mix CD.
A Far Side wall callendar from my Tia (Aunt).
A Halo Action Clix starter pack from my neighbor (boy).
A $12 Wal Mart giftcard from my neighbor (mother).
The most bizarre (but welcome!) gift I recieved was a mesh bag of Barbie parts from my neighbor (girl). Sweet.
And last, but not least, Toa Terrain Crawler from my cousin's wife's parents. Strange... the most expinsive gift from the relative I know the least.
It's really cool, and has great pieces.

And I got an early Christmas present from Imatron. Well, it was more of a prize for his #WEBSITE#CENSORED# contest '07. Vamprah. He's really cool, and quite creepy. You peoples should make it a point to get him.

And another early Christmas present (like a month early[from myself]) Was a Halo 3 special edition 360 console with the Halo 3 special edition game with the Spartan McFarlane controller and the piggyback guide. It's soooo cool...

Comment! Now!



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The most bizarre (but welcome!) gift I recieved was a mesh bag of Barbie parts from my neighbor (girl). Sweet.
Do I even wanna know?
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We've been talking alot (one word[!]) about how she loves to mutilate dolls. She hardly has any that she hasn't turned in to zombies, werewolfs, or just piles of parts. The ones she gave to me also have alot of Sharpie on them...

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We've been talking alot (one word[!]) about how she loves to mutilate dolls. She hardly has any that she hasn't turned in to zombies, werewolfs, or just piles of parts. The ones she gave to me also have alot of Sharpie on them...



0_o How is you getting these a good thing though...?
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Vamprah is sweet. I find Chirox slightly more interesting, but Antroz is just wierd. Vamprah is awesome, though. Nice loot, too. I got music and DS games, as well as a few books.

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What's your Xbox Gamertag? I got Halo 3 yesterday.

Guess. :P

Bundalings, duh. Yours?

I like mutilated Barbies.




And you think I'm weird. :blink:



I do think you're weird.

I think MOCists must be weird by nature. :P

Probably true... not that I notice.



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Erm, what site are we talking about? BZP's rival?

Don't call it a rival. Most people on BZP and other sites are smart enough not to make it into a rivalry. After all, that would involve trying to make the site bigger, and most people who prefer any site besides BZP prefer them because they're smaller.

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I think MOCists must be weird by nature. :P

Of course. How else do you explain this? Actually, that one borders on the insane.



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