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I hate retainers. I mean, yeah I guess it's much less noticeable than braces and stuff and at least it means I'm on the home stretch but wearing them 24/7 for a whole month stinks!


Oh did I mention I got my braces off? Well let me do it now then: I GOT MY BRACES OFF! =3


But anyway the thing about wearing retainers 24/7 except when eating is that you can't really snack unless you wanna take them out, eat your snack, rinse your mouth, rinse your retainers, and put them back in, which is just so inconvenient if you're not actually having a full fledged meal, and it's right after Christmas too and there's all that chocolate just staring up at me, waiting to be eaten... =< and I'm hungry too! ~_O


On a completely different note, Star Wars (the original) was on today =D


Use the Force, Luke!




Vis sit vobiscum!


On another unrelated note: "indexes" or "indices"? I'd use indices but that's because I'm biased from taking Latin. Same with "appendices" and stuff. Besides, I think "-ices" rolls off the tongue better than "-exes."




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:superfunny: I have to wear them only at night.

Well, like I said, it's only 24/7 for the first month after my braces were taken off, and then I switch to only nights. But it's not going to be a very fun month so far as food goes... >>

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Appendices is correct, but not sure about the others. I'm often tempted to say "prefices" rather than "prefixes," but I don't think that's correct.

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Ah yes, the infamous retainer.


I had to wear them 24/7 after I had my expander and headgear removed when I was in elementary school. I didn't really mind wearing them, but the taste got a little annoying after a while. >>



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It ought to be "indices", really, but the correct English forms are "indexes" and "prefixes"... Don't ask me why they're like that when it's "appendices", because I don't know...


Anyway, retainer – better than braces, but still annoying. Your hygiene is admirable; when I had mine all the time I would just pop it out, eat something, then pop it back in, even if it was just a snack. :lookaround: It does require you to carry around the case at all times, though...

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