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Semi-final Polls



Ok, as can be seen in the Preliminary Polls, the final tallies have been marked, and the winners of each round are shown. The top three (I know I said two before, but two wouldn't work out the way I wanted it to) spots in each Poll have advanced to the Semi-final Poll, but only the winner of each Semi-final Poll will advance to the Final Poll. As was done in the Preliminaries, the spots for each MOC was random.


Semi-final Poll 1


synthesis.png Synthesis (Mikerahk) 10


toa_ausar.png Toa_Ausar 22


pulsar444.png pulsar444 (Vrillai) 3


Semi-final Poll 2


shadow_rahkshi.png Shadow Rahkshi 17


the_juggernaut.png (The) Juggernaut 6


argetlam.png (The) Argetlam 12


Semi-final Poll 3


czar.png CzaR 13


anathame.png Anathame 9


chrome.png Chrome (Kharu V2) 13



Once again, whichever poll your entry was listed in was chosen completely at random, and all thumbnail images have been reduced to almost exactly the same size (either 100 x whatever pixels, or whatever pixels x 100). When you vote, place a comment in this entry containing the following:


My vote for Poll 1:

My vote for Poll 2:

My vote for Poll 3:


Any BZPower member can vote, but you can only vote once for each poll, and you can vote for yourself (if you are entered in).


Voting for the Semi-final Polls begins now, and ends 11:59:59 PM (Central Time) on January 4, 2008. Any votes made after that time will not be counted. The top entry of each poll will advance to the next round.


You can also help this contest out by sporting this banner:





With all this said, I wish all entrants good luck, and may the best Self MOC win!


Recommended Comments

My vote for Poll 1: Toa_Ausar

My vote for Poll 2: Shadow Rahkshi

My vote for Poll 3: Chrome (Kharu V2)


And I swear on Karzahni's grave that I did not just copy Revenge.

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My Vote for Poll 1: Toa_Åusår

My Vote for Poll 2: (The) Juggernaut

My Vote for Poll 3: Anathame


This is in the bag for Ausar.

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Well tally this foo![/Mr. T]


My vote for Poll 1: Toa_Åusår

My vote for Poll 2: Juggernaut

My vote for Poll 3: CzaR

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