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I created an approval for all of you whose blogs I read with some regularity:





If your name is EndoM7, ##### Bassai, bonesiii, ~Blue Diamond~, -SZ- Darth Vader, Binkmeister, Darnzerf, Nukora, ChocolateFrogs, Nikira, Kopaka's Ice Engineering, ~Makaru~, Kohaku, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, Toaraga, Hahli Husky, Tufi Piyufi, Bundalings the Bunny, ToM Dracone, Smeagol4, GregF, Black Six, Roa McToa, CzaR, Seranikai, Kex, gifboy99, Janus, Shine, Krahka!, Dr. Bionicle, Air-Master, or Ta-Metru Defender and my approval means anything to you, go ahead and take it. It's rather easier than going to each of your blogs individually and handing them out, but I might do that anyway.


Anyone else, refer me to your blog and I'll review it to see if I like its flavor. After I favourited (OMG British spelling!) all the above people's blogs, I pretty much lost track of the goings-on beyond page 2, so don't be surprised if you're not on there.




23/1: Republished for those of you that didn't see it...


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You could just name the new approval the same as the old one, and upload it into the same Maj folder.


Then it'll auto-update.





Yes, but converting it to .jpg lowers the image quality, plus I wanted to get these out to everyone who didn't already have one.



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That is an insane amount of favorites. I can't imagine having that many favorites... of course only cuz it'd be harder to do my job. XD


I like to see at least 6 blogs that are recent.


I've been meaning to give my seal to your blog for awhile, I just never got around to it. Well... until now. :P




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