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Easy Makuta Powers Guide




2008 is full of Makuta -- even the canister villains are Makuta. These masters of power have quite a lot of, well, powers. Remembering them all can be tricky, but rewarding for fun roleplaying, fan fiction writing, or even just enjoying the Bionicle story. So today the Bones Blog brings you an easy way to "decode" and memorize all the Makuta powers.


First, all modern Makuta have transcended normal life and death. This means they all:
  • Exist as antidermis energy-gas inside strong Protosteel armor
  • Can use mask powers, each has their own mask
  • Can slowly die if armor is shattered -- gas slowly scatters so they must find another host fast
  • Antidermis can control Matoran, etc.
  • Don't need sleep, food
  • Can absorb other beings, killing them and adding to the Makuta's mass, or absorb stuff.
In addition, they were all once scientists that made Rahi creatures for the whole universe so often experiment and still know how to make new creatures or mutants. They became guardians of certain zones before betraying Mata Nui, and came to learn just about all there is to know in the Matoran universe. All current Makuta are evil.

Mask Powers:Makuta of Metru Nui -- ShadowsAntroz -- Corruption (decompose objects)Chirox -- Silence (make target deaf, mute)Vamprah -- Hunger (drain light, energy, positive emotions, turn Matoran into Shadow Matoran)Icarax of Karzahni -- Wears Shadows for now, normal mask unknownMutran -- SilenceSpiriah of Zakaz -- CorruptionKraata Powers:
  • Makuta can make kraata slugs out of their substance
  • Kraata come in 42 types, each with their own power
  • Kraata can that infect masks and control the wearer
  • Can put Kraata in energized protodermis to make Rahkshi armor for another Kraata to control like a vehicle with enhanced power and a staff to focus it
  • Now, can carry Tridax Pods in their chests, with Shadow Leeches inside
  • Shadow Leeches are mutant Kraata that turn Matoran into evil Shadow Matoran
42 Rahkshi Powers
  • 42 can be thought of as seven groups of six, like seven Toa teams
  • Each power can be roughly equated with the six elements of the Toa Mata
  • Arranged counterclockwise from Ta-Wahi on Mata Nui Island, elements are:
  • Fire-ish
Water-ishSton-ishEarthishIce-ishAir-ishThe Seven Lists:
Here's the powers, with the justifications for how I've arranged them. Note that of course many are a stretch, but the idea here is to aid memorization.

Most Makuta-ish:
Most easily identified with Makuta. Shadow and Shapeshifting are obvious, Mind Reading and Illusion were tactics Makuta used most often in the Chronicles Books, Makuta teleported the Toa to the surface after they beat him in MNOG, and Chameleon goes with Shapeshifting.
  • Darkness -- Leads all Makuta powers; fire = leader
  • Shapeshifting -- Water is fluid like Makuta's shapes
  • Mind Reading -- Turaga Onewa had a mind mask power
  • Teleport -- Biggest stretch :P
  • Chameleon -- Ice can be harder to spot than many things
  • Illusion -- Turaga Matau had an illusion mask power
Rahkshi Mata:
Powers of emotion and destruction, these are the six Rahkshi Makuta sent to stop the Toa of Light from coming.
  • Fear -- Red Rahkshi in Mask of Light story
  • Disintegration -- Blue
  • Fragmentation -- Brown
  • Hunger -- Black
  • Anger -- White
  • Poison -- Green
Kal Elements:
Still not sure why Makuta have these six elements and not the main six elements themselves, but hey. :P
  • Electricity -- Red Bohrok Kal
  • Magnetism -- Blue
  • Plasma -- Brown
  • Gravity -- Black
  • Sonics -- White
  • Vacuum -- Green
Control over, or resistance to, what is surrounding you is what makes these powers stand out.
  • Fire Resistance -- Fire Toa have this
  • Weather Control -- Water affects weather strongly
  • Rahi Control -- Po-Koro MNOG had more visible Rahi than other Koro
  • Insect Control -- Bugs and dirt mix
  • Ice Resistance -- Ice Toa have this
  • Plant Control -- Le-Wahi is full of plants
Strong Attacks:
These are all destructive powers. All but molecular disruption are easily identified as "projectile" attacks of some sort.
  • Heat Vision -- Fire's hot yo
  • Chain Lightning -- Lightning hits water = bad, reminds me of a water beam
  • Laser Vision -- Lasers could carve rock
  • Molecular Disruption -- Similar to rock coming apart into dirt
  • Power Scream -- Would shatter ice, goes with white Kal of Sonics
  • Cyclone -- Duh
Subtle Attacks:
You are getting veeeeeery sleepy. Now you are asleeeeeeep. Now you're being infeeeeeeected.
  • Stasis Field -- Vakama made Vahi; Tahu used it to put Kal in time-stasis
  • Confusion -- Underwater navigation is confusing
  • Slow -- Pohatu is slow without his mask power of speed.
  • Sleep -- It's dark underground, like night when people sleep
  • Silence -- Kopaka is silent
  • Accuracy -- Projectile accuracy could be done via air currents too
These all affect the Makuta himself more so than a target, giving the Makuta a special ability, useful in battle but defensive rather than offensive.
  • Limited Invulnerability -- Sorta like the Mask of Shielding
  • Adaptation -- Common example is developing gills
  • Density Control -- Rock is dense
  • Elasticity -- Dirt can bend, as it were
  • Quick Healing -- Ice can be quickly shaped or refrozen, etc.
  • Dodge -- Air Toa are acrobatic, can dodge well
NOTE: There may be more powers; for example MoMN had a "Shadow Hand" power in LoMN but it's not known if all Makuta have this power. In roleplaying and fanfictions, it's plausible to make up new powers for them. In the story, we might learn of other powers in the future.

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Pretty good, but some seem a little bit forced...

Confusion -- Underwater navigation is confusing

Yes, but as I said:

Note that of course many are a stretch, but the idea here is to aid memorization.

Obviously I don't think Greg had this in mind when he chose these powers; it's purely a way to help remember them. :)


And underwater nav'ing is confusing. :P


And thanks. ^_^

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Maybe, but it had a specific function with rules -- it was basically a "yo-yo grappling hook" that, once released, had to grab something and had to retract. (The last rule worked against Makuta in LoMN when he accidentally grabbed a giant rock, which then had no choice but to slam into him.) That sounds a lot more like a unique power than just part of darkness.


Yaknow maybe it's just part of the ability to absorb other beings mixed with darkness though. :shrugs:

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# Makuta of Metru Nui -- Shadows


That wasn't his original mask though. :P


Kraata come in 42 types, each with their own power


Technically, they're only the known ones, there may be more.


# Shadow Leeches are mutant Kraata that turn Matoran into evil Shadow Matoran


It's not just Matoran. :P


# Darkness -- Leads all Makuta powers; fire = leader

# Shapeshifting -- Water is fluid like Makuta's shapes


You might want to add that they have those powers outside of their Rahkshi powers. :D


NOTE: There may be more powers; for example MoMN had a "Shadow Hand" power in LoMN but it's not known if all Makuta have this power. In roleplaying and fanfictions, it's plausible to make up new powers for them. In the story, we might learn of other powers in the future.


All Makuta can as it is part of their non-Rahkshi shadow power, the same way Takanuva can make a light hand. :P


That's all I noticed at first. :)

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Convenient, to say the least. I've chosen a list for each of the Makuta Phantoka to use in roleplaying. Well, at least in my roleplaying, anyway. Let's see...


Vamprah-Subtle Attacks

Antroz-Strong Attacks

Chirox-Either Kal or Power-Ups


I chose what I think would fit the Makutas' personalities. Makes it simpler when roleplaying than having to pick one of all the powers. It works for me, so nice job.


By the way, is that Destral in the Blog Banner?

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Pretty good, but some seem a little bit forced...

Confusion -- Underwater navigation is confusing

Yes, but as I said:

Note that of course many are a stretch, but the idea here is to aid memorization.

Obviously I don't think Greg had this in mind when he chose these powers; it's purely a way to help remember them. :)


And underwater nav'ing is confusing. :P


And thanks. ^_^

You learned this from being on the orange submarine, no doubt?

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Awesoooome.... :D but.... ok, this just an idea of course... Where you very bored, when you decided to make this? Not that i don't like it, actually i think it's cool you managed to make up in those groups, but you must REALLy have been bored...




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Well, it was more that I needed an entry since I'm trying to keep this a weekly blog at least. But no, I 've been meaning to do something like this for a while. I can use this a lot myself, after all, as my fanfics feature Makuta (and eventually will catch up to 2008). :)

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I can think of one thing that you missed here, bones: Makuta all have mental powers that are not included in their Kraata powers. An example is when the Makuta of Metru Nui tore Karzahni's mind apart.

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