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Bbcc 47: Build It If You Can -- Unofficial Contest!




Well, this latest BBCC was shaping up to be a fine contest as always, but then it got canceled, leaving some of us feeling a bit let down. To rectify this, I have started an unofficial version of that contest, approved by a BA and brought to you by moi and 55555 (we agreed to merge our contests.).


I'm sure you're all familiar with the basic theme, so we'll get straight to the rules:




.1. One entry per person. Entries can include multiple MOCs, but at least one of the MOCs in your entry must incorporate at least one canister piece, be it a lid or the canister proper.


.2. Bionicle canisters and lids only, please. Boxes from sets do not count, nor do the little cardboard bits from the Av-Matoran sets. Basically, anything plastic that came as part of the packaging for a Bionicle set is okay.


.3. Canisters and/or lids must somehow be attached to the MOC(s) in your entry. You can't use them as scenery, or just rest a MOC on top of them and call it an entry.


.4. Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC itself.


.5. The entries will be sorted into two divisions: Lids and Full Canisters. MOCs using only the lids of canisters (This includes Mahri coverings and Phantoka casings) will be placed in the first division, and MOCs incorporating the main body of a canister (as well as lids, if the entrant so wishes) will go in the second. If there's no entries in the second division, that's okay, but there may be fewer prizes as a result.


.6. There is no Rule 6!


.7. There must be at least 12 entries. If this goal is not met dire consequences will ensue. (Read: Fewer or no prizes)


.8. All entries published after January 3rd, 2008 (The date BBCC 47 was started) are allowed, as long as they follow the rest of these rules.


.9. Entry period ends January 31st at 11:59 PM PST, with voting starting soon after.


.10. Publicize this contest! Many people who would like to enter may not be aware of it because they don't read this blog or blogs in general. Put this code in your sig to get the word out to fellow MOCers:


Voting: Preliminary and semifinal polls for each will be separate and will take place in 55555's blog, with the winners of each going on to the next poll, along with an overall wildcard picked from both divisions. The best in each division plus the wildcard will advance from the semifinals to the final poll, in which the two divisions will meet for the first time.

Prizes: Yes, prizes! The first place winner will receive his/her choice of $6, an Av-Matoran set, or a trans-green Lego frog. (Winners outside the US will have to pay shipping on the latter two) The second place winner gets second choice, and third place gets whatever is left.



Lids only:


.1. => CzaR => The Evil Eye => Topic


.2. => *ZIP*-*ZAP*-Zilla => Sea Speeder => Topic


.3. => Articus - Toa of Drawings => Black Ops Matoran with Defense/Recon Speeder => Topic


.4. => 55555 => The Spike Trike => Topic


.5. => Akura the Toa => Lava Tortoise => Topic


.6. => Anathame => Skullflayer - BoM Swamp Golem


.7. => vader228 => Moriongar And Airgid => Topic


.8. => ChocolateFrogs => Yo-yo => Topic


.9. => Toa of Steel => Prepit Pridak => Topic


.10. => Toa Karak => The Mahri Nui Defense Cordak Turrent => Topic


.11. => Chrome => Fiuki => Topic


.12. => pulsar444 => Parasite => Topic


.13. => primus30eight => The Goblet => Topic


.14. => Potu => W.A.R. => Topic


.15. => Pseudo Sisen => Kadin Spinner => Topic


.16. => Trexxen => Antroz, Immortalized Warrior of Shadow


.17. => Captain Tigs =>The Keyblade


.18. => Vanrahk =>The Tank


.19. => Soundwave of Mata Nui => Matoran Sea Platform => Topic


.20. => Arpy => Craniopod NOD => Topic


.21. => Shadow Rahkshi => Jetrax T6 and Midak turret => Topic


.22. => ~Konta~ => Autobot Streak



Full Canister:


.1. => Mord => It came from inside the Canister => Topic


.2. =>`Dark Toa Xenronn`=> Archaezoa


.3. => .:Sora:. => Brotherhood Stasis Chamber


So, get started! Please post your questions in the comments section instead of PMing them to either of us so that others can see and benefit from them.


55555 & Arpy, Co-hosts


Recommended Comments

Oh, fun! I built something, and then the contest got canceled, so I'll enjoy this!


A question I never got to ask though, which might compromise my entry:

Kraata cans/lids count, right?



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Oh my gosh, I just got the contest's title's joke.




Why'd it get canceled?


Edit: By the way, I fixed up my "Lluvio" banner to link here.

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CF: Yes.


Lluvio: Roa McMIA (credit to Makaru) went AWOL, so it got binned 'cause it seems only she could answer the questions.

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You're saying that we have to make 12 entries per person!?

I only have one!

I believe he meant 12 total entries, otherwise it wouldn't be worth making polls.


@ Lluvio:See here.

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Kame pretty much answered for me.


CzaR's entry is up...


Please do put that code in your sig if you can, all.

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Interesting, an unofficial contest. I might enter, but I'll have to make an entry first. :lol:

When is the deadline?

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I'd definately join this (was sad when official contest got cancelled).


Just one question: Can the lid be a base as long as it's attached to the MoC (the MoC falls apart w/o the lid, so i consider it part of the MoC, but I'd like to know your ruling)

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Interesting, an unofficial contest. I might enter, but I'll have to make an entry first. :lol:

When is the deadline?

January 31st.


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

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That would be fine, Primus, sounds like it's pretty integrated to me. Thanks to everyone who's entered and/or put the banner in their sigs! It looks like we shouldn't have a problem getting to twelve entries.



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I think I'll enter. But,

1. Can I peel the stickers off of the canisters, and

2. Can I use the base of the canister?

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"This parrot is deceased!"




I'll need to find some kinda canister, I chucked all my old ones away.

*head desk*


...However, my friend still has all of his....This could work.

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