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I decided I needed to add another entry. A little voice kept telling me that the great Winter was coming and I needed to hide entires to feed on during the cold. Then another voice told me to rob the bank and light fires...




First thing is my epic. I plan on resuming it in a week, though my audience no longer exists. :P I'm going to wrap up the current story, which is actually a prequel to a much larger story which is going to be a science fiction version of BIONICLE. Mainly so I can have lots of big fancy spaceships attack each other for no particular reason. Though I will keep a fair few traditional aspects in the story. :)


I like having official topic in S&T, but no-ones been posting in them, so there's not much work to do, other than update them, which I admit during that last week or two, I haven't been able to touch due to limited computer access. Luckily, be and some crazy old guy are working on the physics topic which I expect will be fun, but again, I haven't been able to work on for a week. By limited access will only be for one more week now. :happy:


I got my Vahi, though it took me awhile to notice an difference. :P In my eyes, I am no longer a n00b1121!11 :D :happydance:


Takua the Wanderer and I are planning another "prank" name change, but he's being a bit of a wuss and not going first. If your thinking "why don't you just go first?" I'll let you know that if he doesn't goes first, I'll have to wait twice times as long as usual to change my name back.




I've been keeping an eye out for 08 sets, but due to where I am at the moment (a place were there is like one place you can buy BIONICLE sets), it's hard to see if there in Brisbane yet. I asked Yorrick Kaine to check for me and he said he hadn't had the chance to look yet, so I'll just have to wait. :P As usual, I plan on getting the best sets/characters last, so I'll use this order -


Kirop + Chirox

Gavla + Vamprah

Solek + Kopaka

Photok + Pohatu

Radiak + Antroz

Tanma + Lewa

Mutran & Vican

Toa Ignika

*Icarax will be purchased whenever I find 'im. :P


That list will probably change dramatically over the next month or two. :nahnah:


The leaked pics I've seen look pretty cool, but will almost definitely look cooler in proper, finalised pictures. I'll say more to avoid the wrath of the wicked IAIA.




I could talk for years about stuff in this category, but I don't wish to torture guilty bystanders, so I'll just say I spent the last day reading Metal Swarm and I can't wait for the last book in the Saga of Seven Suns series. :D


See ya!


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I'll go first if you explain how you would have to wait twice as long. And I refuse to say anything. :P


If I go first you'll take my name and I'll have to wait until your time is up before I can change my name back. It would make more sense for you to go first. :P

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