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Hey, Hating-people

Tufi Piyufi


Hey. People who hate me. Yes, I know who you are. I've read the posts. No, no, not the ones here. The ones on all those elsewheres. Yeah. Those very public ones. So help me, sometimes I get bored and I scavenge for things to fuel my reading addiction.


I know you hate me. I know who you are. I know just how you feel about me. And I don't care.


If I was worried about hurting people's opinions of me by helping to maintain a forum, I'd have quit years ago. Fact is, it's totally worth having the infractees hate me if it means the general populace can let out their breath and go 'thank god that was taken care of'. You might go 'well, where are those people then, heh heh'. They're all around. They're quiet. It's in their nature. Moderates everywhere, of every kind, are quiet. Extremists are the loud, noticeable ones. The extremists take the silence for agreement. The moderates know better, but, for reasons constantly debated and hypothesized, don't speak up.


Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out.


So, moderates. You know who you are. Don't let yourselves get dragged down. If someone claims to speak for you, you shut them right down. You're logical, reasonable people. You don't have to stand for this. You just gotta take that first step. Once you get moving, believe me, the rest comes naturally.


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I think there's something important that everyone needs to understand here.


The higher in rank you climb, the more responsibilities you get. The more responsibilities you get the more you mature (or lose said position), the more mature and old you get, the more other piece of life consume your attention.


You see, I'm now twenty and working as a Global Moderator here--in my spare time. Aside from that I'm doing web design, Martial Arts instruction, and some hobby writing and modelling on the corner.


Plus, for myself I simply cannot get 'involved' in the community because the more I see of BIONICLE the more I die inside. I'll stay and support the community because I believe in this site, and in its members, but BIONICLE has essentially died for me.


Sorry to hijack your entry, Puff.



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Just thought I'd Mention this to you, Tufi. I'm at that other place, so I just wanna make sure you don't automatically think I hate you ;) I actually really don't mind you.


I don't think ill, or amazingly good about you. I know you're an Admin, and that's basically it. :/



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I like you T-Rag. You're usually the first one to close the topic I know is not suppose to be here.




Go away!



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Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out.


But I like you :(

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I would like to take this moment to comment on how awesome Janjanman is.


Goes without saying, but hey. Doesn't hurt, eh?

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Ill be adding my 2 cents.


Its plain to see why there are these "haters" out there. Tufi, you come across as intimidating, bottom line. Also, alot of members here have been shafted one way or another. This is not aimed directly at you, but the staff as a whole. Examples:


~Paying for premier memberships, but losing days due to server problems or other technical issues, will those days be added onto the premier membership deadline?


~BBC prizes won, yet never received. Its been over a year since BBC 40 and 41 now, both in which I was informed I was due a prize. I sent you a PM some time ago, and being directed to by Roa, who said Tufi is not intimidating and she will give you a straight answer. Never heard anything. Now this perhaps is not directly your fault, I have a hunch that it was Schizo who offered the BBC 40 prizes, then went AWOL. None the less, this comes across as unprofessional on BZP's side.


~Staff obsession. Not so much today as several years ago. Some people just take the job way to seriously and become corrupted by the new forum power.


As for myself, I admit I am a bit disturbed. Just come out and say hey, we apologize but the prizes have been revoked. Dont leave me hanging for a year, wondering if I am a fool for telling my family that I won a prize that will come in the mail for a year now.

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I think there's something important that everyone needs to understand here.


The higher in rank you climb, the more responsibilities you get. The more responsibilities you get the more you mature (or lose said position), the more mature and old you get, the more other piece of life consume your attention.


You see, I'm now twenty and working as a Global Moderator here--in my spare time. Aside from that I'm doing web design, Martial Arts instruction, and some hobby writing and modelling on the corner.


Plus, for myself I simply cannot get 'involved' in the community because the more I see of BIONICLE the more I die inside. I'll stay and support the community because I believe in this site, and in its members, but BIONICLE has essentially died for me.


Sorry to hijack your entry, Puff.



If someone is too busy with other things in life to be involved with the community, they shouldn't be staff. Staff should be a group of people who are active in the community, and therefore know how to work with them, not for them. If staff have no time for their members, then they shouldn't force themselves to work just because they are staff.


All I'm saying is there should be much more rotation. More people to do the job, so that staff can enjoy the site just as much as the members do.


- Cee

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I can't hate you, you keep my beloved BBC populace populated. Without the Empress of Tuft, where wouldst mine beloved BBC be?


Whether you post or not is of no consequence to me; you clearly take a supreme amount of interest in the community here, and posting is of little consequence then. You do your job, with only the smallest (and most important) complaints one who moderates the BBC could (and should) have. Besides, those who complain about mods not being part of the community should read more blogs.


So hail to the Empress! I find your presence both enjoyable and refreshing.


Also: <3 to the J.

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If someone is too busy with other things in life to be involved with the community, they shouldn't be staff. Staff should be a group of people who are active in the community, and therefore know how to work with them, not for them. If staff have no time for their members, then they shouldn't force themselves to work just because they are staff.

Too busy for really getting into the topics and participating like a regular member =! Too busy for staff duties.


Sometimes I just don't want to participate in the really cool topics. Often it's because I'm busy approving posts or handling Forum stuffs. You think I should be kicked off the team?

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I can't hate you, you keep my beloved BBC populace populated. Without the Empress of Tuft, where wouldst mine beloved BBC be?


Whether you post or not is of no consequence to me; you clearly take a supreme amount of interest in the community here, and posting is of little consequence then. You do your job, with only the smallest (and most important) complaints one who moderates the BBC could (and should) have. Besides, those who complain about mods not being part of the community should read more blogs.


So hail to the Empress! I find your presence both enjoyable and refreshing.


Also: <3 to the J.

"BBC this." "BBC that." Only really matters when you win every other one.


So basically you're saying "I don't hate you because you moderate the BBC where I win all my contests."?





But what I don't get about this whole deal is the fact that you go around spying on other forums to see what people think about you, and instead of confronting the ones who "hate you" you cower around back here and complain instead of confronting the haters.


The people who hate you probably only make it public because they think you won't see it. Why make a big deal like this instead of confronting them in a private manner?

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She didn't spy. Someone passed it along to her. We have better things to do than to search through every facet of the internet to look for people who don't like us.


Also, I fail to see how your comment regarding DV makes any sense. Because she happens to run the forum he frequents most often well in his opinion, makes his comment invalid?

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Tufi don't be down. :(

"BBC this." "BBC that." Only really matters when you win every other one.


So basically you're saying "I don't hate you because you moderate the BBC where I win all my contests."?

I like Pink Floyd because their music is awesome. I like fried chicken because it tastes good. I like Camus' novels because they mean a lot to me.


So what's wrong with DV liking Tufi because she hosts the BBCCs, which are fun for all participants? I've never even come close to winning a BBCC, but I've entered many of them and have had a wonderful time.



But what I don't get about this whole deal is the fact that you go around spying on other forums

Hey hey hey waaaaaiiitaminute--how could she be going around "spying" on forums and venues that are public? :blink:


to see what people think about you, and instead of confronting the ones who "hate you" you cower around back here and complain instead of confronting the haters.



Hee hee hah hah heh hah...as if an administrator posting something on the -largest- forum in the Lego community is "cowering." :rolleyes:


The people who hate you probably only make it public because they think you won't see it. Why make a big deal like this instead of confronting them in a private manner?

While I may contest that she's making a big deal about it (if someone goes around saying that they hate you, you tend to take it personally, I should think. :unsure: ), by your same token, why are the haters making a big deal of it and posting it in public forums for everyone to see instead of "confronting" Tufi in "a private manner"? Hn?



Anyway Tufi, you're one of the number one awesome people in the world, so don't let the dismal adolescent drones make you forget that. :D


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She didn't spy. Someone passed it along to her. We have better things to do than to search through every facet of the internet to look for people who don't like us.

And that someone was spying on the other forum. ;)

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If you turn into a mindless drone who's only purpose on these boards is to approve topics or to handle Forum stuffs, which may or may not be the case, then yes, you should resign or be fired.


- Cee

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"BBC this." "BBC that." Only really matters when you win every other one.


So basically you're saying "I don't hate you because you moderate the BBC where I win all my contests."?

Five out of the forty something we've had is not half of them, silly goose.


Also, this was my reason why I could never hate Tufi. Not why I don't now.


Spelled out, to make it simpler:


I don't hate Tufi for reasons specified by the conglomeration of Smeag and Mak, and the J. If these reasons were to disappear, I still could not hate Tufi because she keeps my dearly beloved BBC in line, and the BBC is very close to my dear LEGO heart.


Silly geese!

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Five out of the forty something we've had is not half of them, silly goose.


You've been a finalist twelve times though. That's a little bit more than 25% of the time.


Not trying to incite anything, just saying.

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I just love all the "I don't hate you's". Seriously, if people are on that forum, they've gotten something against something.




Tufi may not have spied, but sure as heck someone else did. You can't defend that. Somebody had to do it. And now instead of joining there and confronting, you had to bring it back to hear. Smart choice.


Anyways, people like Cee have a very good point. You've got to be fun while you do your job. If someone's only reason for liking you is because you host contests, then you definitely need to be more fun about moderation. It's always worked for me.

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I don't hate you. It just happens that most of my friends are the people that do. :P I have nothing against you, but nothing for you.





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I don't hate you, Botswik, and I wouldn't condone anyone else doing so.


Tufi may not have spied, but sure as heck someone else did. You can't defend that. Somebody had to do it. And now instead of joining there and confronting, you had to bring it back to hear. Smart choice.

Please, please, please explain to me how browsing a public forum could conceivably be construed as "spying." I just don't understand. I mean, if you consider that spying, then I'm spying on you right now by reading your post, and you're spying on Tufi by reading her blog entry, and we're all spying on big D for coming to his board, and...it just doesn't make any sense at all! :wacko:


Anyways, people like Cee have a very good point. You've got to be fun while you do your job. If someone's only reason for liking you is because you host contests, then you definitely need to be more fun about moderation. It's always worked for me.

I'm not going to disagree that it's better if the staff can participate more than just to work. However, the fact of the matter is that the work has to come first--because if the staff doesn't do their job, then they wouldn't be able to do anything else on this board, and neither could any of you. The board would collapse.


So what happens then? Well, a lot of us on the staff have very busy schedules, because--surprise!--we have real lives too, with things like jobs and families and classes to attend to. So sometimes all we have time to do on BZ is our staff work. And what does that result in? well, apparently it "dehumanizes" us in your eyes and all you fellas start to hate us.


But no matter how much you hate us, we still care about you and we still care about this site, which means we're going to keep doing our job to keep this place clean and safe and running for you guys, even if it means we don't have time to actually have fun of our own on this site.

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