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Hey, Hating-people

Tufi Piyufi


Hey. People who hate me. Yes, I know who you are. I've read the posts. No, no, not the ones here. The ones on all those elsewheres. Yeah. Those very public ones. So help me, sometimes I get bored and I scavenge for things to fuel my reading addiction.


I know you hate me. I know who you are. I know just how you feel about me. And I don't care.


If I was worried about hurting people's opinions of me by helping to maintain a forum, I'd have quit years ago. Fact is, it's totally worth having the infractees hate me if it means the general populace can let out their breath and go 'thank god that was taken care of'. You might go 'well, where are those people then, heh heh'. They're all around. They're quiet. It's in their nature. Moderates everywhere, of every kind, are quiet. Extremists are the loud, noticeable ones. The extremists take the silence for agreement. The moderates know better, but, for reasons constantly debated and hypothesized, don't speak up.


Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out.


So, moderates. You know who you are. Don't let yourselves get dragged down. If someone claims to speak for you, you shut them right down. You're logical, reasonable people. You don't have to stand for this. You just gotta take that first step. Once you get moving, believe me, the rest comes naturally.


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You didn't read any of my posts, did you? If staff don't have time to have fun because they have to work first, then they have too great a workload. It should be shared. More staff would help you do this.


- Cee

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You didn't read any of my posts, did you? If staff don't have time to have fun because they have to work first, then they have too great a workload. It should be shared. More staff would help you do this.


- Cee

But the staff aren't complaining about having this large workload. It's the people who aren't doing any work who are.

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I doubt Bostwik actually thinks everyone hates him. =P To be honest, Bosty, they do have a few good points. Reading a public forum really isn't spying, at all. However--


What I think is slightly out of form is that because someone who saw this site realized that people didn't like Tufi, and then passed it along to her, Tufi decides it's then appropriate to respond publicly and loudly in her blog to all of BZPower. If you don't care, then why post this? I'm tired of people arguing about this. This comment session has turned into a hate-love session-- People are either telling Tufi why they hate her, or telling her how much they love her and how they would never side against her.


Why don't we discuss something more productive instead?

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Maybe they aren't complaining. Some of it may be the fact that they are highly rude about it. Agitation shows.

It's funny that you're saying this because this is an all-too-common effect I've noticed in "real life." Many people cannot seem to take anything at face value--they always try to read some emotion or insinuation or hidden meaning into is when often there is none.


Exacerbating the issue in this textual world of the internet is that voice inflection is impossible, so people assume things about sentences. I have often seen people read something as angry when it was intended with nothing short of neutrality.


So don't be so quick to assume bad things about the staff! We're just regular good folks like all of you. :)


What I think is slightly out of form is that because someone who saw this site realized that people didn't like Tufi, and then passed it along to her, Tufi decides it's then appropriate to respond publicly and loudly in her blog to all of BZPower. If you don't care, then why post this? I'm tired of people arguing about this. This comment session has turned into a hate-love session-- People are either telling Tufi why they hate her, or telling her how much they love her and how they would never side against her.

Oh I don't know, I think it can bee good to lay all the cards on the table and talk, because we can't understand each other if we don't discuss things. One time someone made an account on this site with the username "Ihatesmeagol4." To this day I still wonder who made the account (it was a dupe and was deleted or banned or not authorized or something) and what I've said or done that could make him hate me. I don't hate him, whoever he is.

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You didn't read any of my posts, did you? If staff don't have time to have fun because they have to work first, then they have too great a workload. It should be shared. More staff would help you do this.


- Cee

But the staff aren't complaining about having this large workload. It's the people who aren't doing any work who are.

If you read my posts, you'd see that it's not only about the staff being happier. It affects the members just as much, if not more. If staff were involved, it would make it a much more pleasant place for members, and right now, members don't like the fact that many staff members are nothing more than rule-keeping drones. Of course they are the ones complaining.


I'd hate to be a part of a country where the rule-makers weren't actually citizens of said country.


- Cee

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But no matter how much you hate us, we still care about you and we still care about this site ...



"Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out." - Tufi


... okay. =D

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Geat point Cee. A majority of the staff only moderate, and with an iron face. Where's the rest of what they do? I staff is still a member, only with a higher rank. This forum is for the benefit of Bionicle fans, and now it's turned into just a place for you guys to moderate.


Emotions are contagious. If staff appear to be hateful (face value really isn't taught so well these days, so scratch that), of course members can find a reason to hate back.


So, Tufi, I love you! Thanks for hosting BBC's!



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If you read my posts, you'd see that it's not only about the staff being happier. It affects the members just as much, if not more. If staff were involved, it would make it a much more pleasant place for members, and right now, members don't like the fact that many staff members are nothing more than rule-keeping drones. Of course they are the ones complaining.


I'd hate to be a part of a country where the rule-makers weren't actually citizens of said country.


- Cee

Well, let's examine your analogy, Cee.


How often do you see government leaders kicking back and playing yahtzee with citizens?



But I must confess that I really am not entirely sure how to respond because I really, honestly don't understand and that upsets me, because I want to understand. When I was new at BZ and in the many years preceding my promotion to ST, I didn't mind that some or many staffmembers were absent or didn't participate in fun-stuff. It just never bothered me; I was simply thankful for their work and that was it.


Maybe I'm stupid or something? Maybe I'm too trusting? Maybe I have a silly optimistic view of the world and think too highly of my fellow people?


Maybe I'll end up dead in a ditch someday.




"Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out." - Tufi


... okay. =D

There are a couple of members here I'm not entirely fond of (very few). I still care about them immensely and am committed to keeping this place safe and enjoyable for them.

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You can speak for yourself, and not the other staff, then.


Other members want staff to look up to. How do you think it effects a majority of the community if staff aren't involved? You may not care, but others do.

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If you read my posts, you'd see that it's not only about the staff being happier. It affects the members just as much, if not more. If staff were involved, it would make it a much more pleasant place for members, and right now, members don't like the fact that many staff members are nothing more than rule-keeping drones. Of course they are the ones complaining.


I'd hate to be a part of a country where the rule-makers weren't actually citizens of said country.


- Cee

Well, let's examine your analogy, Cee.


How often do you see government leaders kicking back and playing yahtzee with citizens?

Well, I don't know about America, but here in Canada I've seen many videos of our Prime Minister, Steven Harper, appearing on politic parody shows. That's pretty involved. But even off of TV, he seems like the kind of character that has friends besides those beside him in office.


But I must confess that I really am not entirely sure how to respond because I really, honestly don't understand and that upsets me, because I want to understand. When I was new at BZ and in the many years preceding my promotion to ST, I didn't mind that some or many staffmembers were absent or didn't participate in fun-stuff. It just never bothered me; I was simply thankful for their work and that was it.


Maybe I'm stupid or something? Maybe I'm too trusting? Maybe I have a silly optimistic view of the world and think too highly of my fellow people?


Maybe I'll end up dead in a ditch someday.

Maybe. Or maybe back in your day there were more active, older members that you could relate with, but they've all either left or become staff. I really have no idea. Maybe you are just stupid. J/k. :P


I don't know if I'm coming across as complaintive, as I don't mean to whatsoever. I really wish this website was a better place, and I want to see it get that way, and I feel like this would be just what the doctor ordered. But then again, I'm not much of a doctor, so I couldn't say. All I know is this website has turned off many, many promising members.


- Cee

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Time for the one, the only DA TRUTH:


I've always been what's commonly known as a 'lurker' I rarely if ever post, and only then if it's sufficient enough to spark my interest. I have roughly seven accounts over as many boards and most of them have less than ten posts--why? Because I enjoy just reading, taking information in.


I know a lot of what goes on across this board, I am very involved in this community not just in moderating, but in planning different events--heck, I've made a lot of Friends off this board simply because people got over the 'fear' of talking to a moderator.


So I'd really, really, really appreciate it if you'd stop implying that all mods are simply robots designed to control the rules--most of us didn't post much to begin with (minus of course, Torhu)



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Okay then. YOu may not post much, but how is everyone supposed to know why?


I feel that the staff do way too much assuming. It really doesn't work out. I may be assuming things here to, but honestly, is someone's first whim on why you don't post much the fact that you're an information nut?

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Well, I don't know about America, but here in Canada I've seen many videos of our Prime Minister, Steven Harper, appearing on politic parody shows. That's pretty involved. But even off of TV, he seems like the kind of character that has friends besides those beside him in office.

Wait, now we seem like se don't have any friends outside the staff? :P


But I would say that appearing on television shows is a little different than spontaneous general fun with citizens; a tv appearance is something that's preplanned, scheduled--and, honestly, not something accessible to the vast majority of citizens to participate in. They merely watch.


Maybe. Or maybe back in your day there were more active, older members that you could relate with, but they've all either left or become staff. I really have no idea. Maybe you are just stupid. J/k.

Nah, there were plenty of staffers just as "inactive" as those today. And the stupid is possible to, in all seriousness! I make no claims of intelligence.


I don't know if I'm coming across as complaintive, as I don't mean to whatsoever. I really wish this website was a better place, and I want to see it get that way, and I feel like this would be just what the doctor ordered. But then again, I'm not much of a doctor, so I couldn't say. All I know is this website has turned off many, many promising members.

Drop me a PM or IM sometime; I'd be interested in knowing what ideas you have for improving BZ. :)


Okay then. YOu may not post much, but how is everyone supposed to know why?


I feel that the staff do way too much assuming. It really doesn't work out. I may be assuming things here to, but honestly, is someone's first whim on why you don't post much the fact that you're an information nut?

Again, I really, truly don't understand. Why does it matter why someone doesn't post much? Why does it matter at all that he or she doesn't post much? Why make any sort of assumptions about anyone? It's very rare that assumptions and preconceived notions reflect the truth of matters.

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I also think some of the members do a bit too much assuming--while I agree that most people will not understand why I don't post, it's really not that hard to IM me, both of my names are public and available--if people are really interested they'll ask.


What else am I supposed to do? End every post with


I don't post much because I prefer to lurk so don't think I hate you or the board because I don't I really like everyone I just prefer to read rather than participate? =D



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....I may be assuming things here too...


Hmm? I did say that, didn't I? Of course I assume. But assuming so much in such a crucial position isn't a great idea.

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I understand you said that, but I wasn't just referring to you. I've had many members IM who think that because I've had to deal with a paticularly hard event on a paticular day, that I'm nothing but a mean guy who only does this work so I can wield power.


I'm just saying that Staff make themselves public via the PM and IM system (or rather, some of them do) and if you really want to get to know them, it's not hard to contact them--and most of them (myself included) enjoy it.



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See, kids, Janus seems like a cold-hearted inhuman on BZP, but over IM, he's a cuddly teddy bear full of LOVE AND RAINBOWS!


His tears also turn into jelly beans!


You should chat him up. He's quite chat up-able.

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As I said to Smeag, speak for yourself. Not all staff are open on IM. Quite a few aren't. There are still those that fit our description.
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As I said to Smeag, speak for yourself. Not all staff are open on IM. Quite a few aren't. There are still those that fit our description.

But quite a few are. Like Robbox said. If you want to talk to staff members, we're here.



And conversations with Janman are especially invaluable. :)

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See, kids, Janus seems like a cold-hearted inhuman on BZP, but over IM, he's a cuddly teddy bear full of LOVE AND RAINBOWS!


His tears also turn into jelly beans!


You should chat him up. He's quite chat up-able.

Rofl, that made my day.


And Smeag, you're taking the whole politician thing a little too literally. :P Of course the analogy isn't perfect, because I'm not a philosopher. But what I meant by talking to people other than co-workers is talking to citizens. You said you never see a politician playing yahtzee with a citizen, but I'm sure it happens all the time. ;)


- Cee

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Before we take the Politcal view thing, might I remind you all that this is a forum based off of a child's building toy and not a matter that plays a huge role in the day to day lives of the average person.


I myself am of the oppinion that some of the mods *cough*cough* Tufi/B6/Omi*cough*cough* can come off as intimidating. Especially when you're being threatened with serious punishment over something that even the mods joke around with.


And I've said it before, I don't hate Tufi/B6/Omi/*insert staff member here.* I love you guys to death. I just think you guys can come off as "Rawr. Follow the rules or face the wrath of a Moderator. >:3"

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