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Hey, Hating-people

Tufi Piyufi


Hey. People who hate me. Yes, I know who you are. I've read the posts. No, no, not the ones here. The ones on all those elsewheres. Yeah. Those very public ones. So help me, sometimes I get bored and I scavenge for things to fuel my reading addiction.


I know you hate me. I know who you are. I know just how you feel about me. And I don't care.


If I was worried about hurting people's opinions of me by helping to maintain a forum, I'd have quit years ago. Fact is, it's totally worth having the infractees hate me if it means the general populace can let out their breath and go 'thank god that was taken care of'. You might go 'well, where are those people then, heh heh'. They're all around. They're quiet. It's in their nature. Moderates everywhere, of every kind, are quiet. Extremists are the loud, noticeable ones. The extremists take the silence for agreement. The moderates know better, but, for reasons constantly debated and hypothesized, don't speak up.


Fact is, the people who hate me are people I never liked in the first place. Amazing how the universe sorts all that out.


So, moderates. You know who you are. Don't let yourselves get dragged down. If someone claims to speak for you, you shut them right down. You're logical, reasonable people. You don't have to stand for this. You just gotta take that first step. Once you get moving, believe me, the rest comes naturally.


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Nobody said all. But even you must admit that some are indeed like "robots".


- Cee

As I said to Smeag, speak for yourself. Not all staff are open on IM. Quite a few aren't. There are still those that fit our description.

I've held my tongue thus far, but I take exception to the implication that some of the staff are like "robots" or aren't personable. One part of the staff screening process is a check for a sense of humor and personality. I myself have spoken with about 70% of the staff (and I don't even get to make the call on any of the "hires"), and I can say, with fair certainty, that we have no automatons on staff here. There are certainly people who don't have time to fully let their personality unfold here (myself included), but we are real people here.




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Then if you check for humor and personality in a staff member, how come no one ever sees it?


Oh, my bad, maybe if I spent more time IMing forum staff I'd get to know them. Yes, I'll just IM them all right now. Yes indeed.

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Humor can disappear over time.


Anyways, back to this once again. We aren't talking about all the staff. Only certain ones, which is why this brings us back to only Tufi.

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My staff have more personality than BZP's, that for sure. =P But, I definitely give them some slack considering the workload difference between a 10K post forum and a 1M post forum. =)

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Oh, my bad, maybe if I spent more time IMing forum staff I'd get to know them. Yes, I'll just IM them all right now. Yes indeed.

When did simple conversation become such a chore?

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Oh it wasn't a chore at all. I greatly enjoyed talking to someone I don't even know.


Or WANT to know.

:lol: Hah hah--so wait. You complain about not being able to get to know the staff, but then when you have an opportunity, you refuse it?


If you don't want to get to know the staff, then I don't see why you'd be bothered if they don't appear personable on the forums. Unless of course you're just jumping on another's bandwagon or just looking for something to complain about. If that's what the deal is, shame on me for assuming the best of people and not considering that possibility sooner.

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I can see a flame war in the horizon between Staff and Members. This entry isn't about Tufi, it's about how the (Internet) world should work.


Smeag, you're taking things way too seriously. Members have different opinions, and that's what makes them unique. :D


Tufi, I don't know much about you, but your Bio suggests a difficult life on BZP:


Forum Administrators

Staff member since July 2003


Depending on what side of the story you listen to, Tufi Piyufi is either a human, puffin or some kinda twisted puffin-human. Tufi came to the site in late 2002 just to say some things about some other things, most likely Bionicle-related. However, she wound up saying some things about some sets instead, and she was never the same after that. She got a few months of relative normalcy... then was pulled forever from her sane little puffin-world to join the staff.


She was made an ST amidst somewhat traumatic events. She was further pranked in increasingly strange ways as an ST. She was scared half to death just prior to becoming a moderator. She got pranked the very night she became a moderator. And so on. If she hasn't sought help yet, she really should.


But if you must know, she's not going to go on a crazed screamy rampage anytime soon.


Pranked? Humiliated? Related to puffins? I don't think you were "liked" that much from the start. It's not your job, it's you. Like I said before, everyone is unique, and just because you are "disliked" doesn't mean that it is your job as a "cold hearted staff robot". Robots aren't unique.


But I know what you mean. Getting dissed on the Internet is something we've all heard about before: Cyber Bullying. You get stressed about it, without being able to do something to that person being the bully. If it's too much for you, take a short break.


If I were to continue this, it would take me the entire week to finish.


Summary: You may interpret the above however you want, and try to criticize it, but I will still hold on to this opinion no matter what you say, because I will not be affected by peer pressure.


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I can see a flame war in the horizon between Staff and Members. This entry isn't about Tufi, it's about how the (Internet) world should work.

You don't have to worry about that. It's our job to prevent flame. :)


Smeag, you're taking things way too seriously. Members have different opinions, and that's what makes them unique. :D

Oh don't worry; I don't take myself seriously at all. I'm a big buffoon and I'm fully aware of that. :P


I certainly do not intend to contest the opinions and wonderful uniquity of our membership. But in this topic there have been a few opinions that I truly do not understand, and I would like to understand them. Perhaps I am naive? Perhaps there is mutual misunderstanding? Perhaps there is rampant misinformation and everyone is simply confused? If we want to resolve the conflict of thought and come happily together (and I certainly would like to), we need to talk and figure out what's getting people to say terrible things about each other, what is founded, and how everyone can give a little effort to improve himself and the community.




In another matter altogether, I feel I should let you know that Tufi's bio (and indeed many, if not most of the staff bios) is overtly humorous. They're jokes; they're supposed to be funny. Look at makaru's for instance. Obviously it's not true (well, actually, with Mak, we're never quite sure... : p ). But I commend you on a well-articulated thesis. :)


Summary: You may interpret the above however you want, and try to criticize it, but I will still hold on to this opinion no matter what you say, because I will not be affected by peer pressure.

I don't want to sound didactic here, but I would encourage you to always keep an open and interrogative mind--we can be fairly certain in our opinions and suppositions but later discover evidence that disproves what we thought. At that occurrence it would be foolish of us to hold fast to our opinion and deny the truth. With every waking moment we experience and learn all kinds of new things and our worldviews have to shape and evolve accordingly. Otherwise we end up being prejudiced bigots who spout terrible, false rhetoric, and that's awful for everybody. :unsure:


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Tufi Piyufi is not an drone, a dictator, an attention-seeker, a bully, or a whiner. She is a very smart, funny, friendly, dedicated, hard-working, and talented person. I say this from a depth of personal experience. If anyone hates her, it is to their own profound loss.


The old cliché holds true: what goes around, comes around. Take the time to approach someone with friendship, and you will receive the same in return. Act disrespectfully and you will find yourself bereft of the respect of others. These, for all their simplicity, are great wisdoms that we would all do well to remember.



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