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Bbcc #47 Preliminary Poll 2




This is Poll 2 of the first round of voting for BBCC 47: Build It If You Can -- Unofficial Contest. Two entries shall advance from this poll to the Semi-Finals. This round of voting ends 8:00 AM Eastern Time, Feb. 3rd.

Voting Rules

State clearly at the beginning of your comment who you're voting for. Example: "I vote for entry #0, The Blankety-blank."
You can vote for yourself.

Entry 1:
Votes, 5
yoyo1.jpg_thumb.jpg => ChocolateFrogs's Yo-yo => Gallery

Entry 2:
Votes, 1
entry_pic.jpg_thumb.jpg => *ZIP*-*ZAP*-Zilla's Sea Speeder => => Gallery

Entry 3:
Votes, 1
003.jpg_thumb.jpg => pulsar444's Parasite => Gallery

Entry 4:
Votes, 4
midak_turret.png_thumb.jpg => Shadow Rahkshi's Jetrax T6 and Midak turret => Gallery Due to a strange code error, I've had to ditch his gallery.

Entry 5:
Votes, 6
bionicle_001.jpg_thumb.jpg => Akura the Toa's Lava Tortoise => Gallery

Entry 6:
Votes, 0
dscf1391.jpg_thumb.jpg => Toa Karak's The Mahri Nui Cordak Defense Turrent => Gallery None.

Last vote counted: Nukora's

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Recommended Comments

I vote for Entry 5. It makes me feel all flaming and fuzzy...wait, flaming? AHHHH!


*runs to water*


~Trexxen ^.~

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