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Hey, Hating-people

Kevin Owens


Yeah, you. The person that hates me. I don't care.


For you see, many a nasty thing has been said to me. I've been called ######, prick, moron, cool dude, stupid, foolish, and a variety of other insults in my time. I have had my proto dropped, suspended, and banned. I've been told to get a life. I've been told that I am not wanted here, and elsewhere. I've even been compared to the likes of the V-Tech shooter. And I don't care.


Do you know why? Because in my short lifespan I have come to realize one very important fact. The internet, just like life, has one very special, specific rule. And that rule is that the only rules of the internet are the rules that you set for yourself. You see, I'm not bound by things like proto. I'm not bound by things like love, hate, even friendship. Why? Because I don't live by that set of rules. It's this set of rules that, ironically, makes me just as dangerous to...


You know what, I kinda lost where I was going with this. So I'm just going to go ahead and post it as is.




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Thought you were starting up that fad again and without my blog access, I couldn't do loving people.


Blogging is my way to vent. All you're doing is venting. Though the P word might rip from that right.


Sucks, don't it? (Well, I need it)



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