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And Now It Really Is Over

ToM Dracone


So now I've finally gotten all my exams back (we didn't have Greek until today), and overall they're just about as good as I could have expected, better in some cases... I wound up with an A in some form or another on all of them, but that would have been a B- in Calculus (became an A) and B+ in AP Bio (became an A-) without the curve. Heh. :lookaround:


In other news, I have a cold. Again. Slow to come on, wasn't really bad until today, and I've still had worse. But that doesn't make it less annoying.


Though, I did finally finish reading Abhorsen today, curled up on the couch with orange juice as I was. It, Sabriel, and Lirael are an absolutely amazing series of books... Probably some of my all-time favorites. I must get Across the Wall when I next have the opportunity.


I posted Jovan, too. Link in the appropriate box...

~ ToM


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