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In SWEP3, Obi-wan says, and I quote: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."


How does this relate to Yoda? Simple.


In SWEP5, Yoda says: "Do, or do not. There is no try."


Therefore, Yoda is one of the Sith.


Funny, isn't it?





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Obi-Wan had said that in response to Anikan's calling of him as being his enemy. I think the two scenarios are too different to be compared in that fashion.

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Never trust little green puppet-like creatures. Sorry, Kermit, we won't be learning our ABC's from you anymore. :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Here's what you should know:

Yoda did dabble in the Dark Side a little, only to learn about it. Darth Somebody then saw how powerful Yoda was, and how powerful he was with the Dark Side, and said something along the lines of Yoda being able to destroy the universe or something if Yoda wasn't as good as he was, being able to contain himself and stick with the Light.



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