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Weekly Update - 2/1

Black Six



So, the weekend is upon us again. And that of course means it's time for another Weekly Update. Read on to see what's new this week.



It's been another week and we've had no more reports of the virus affecting anyone. I'm glad things have finally cleared up.


The announcement I mentioned last week was of course that all forum staff have been given the ability to approve posts. This has definitely sped things up and gets new members onto BZP faster. It's good to see things working out.


Tomorrow should be the debut of the Makuta Icarax review. There are only a few more sets to be reviewed from the first wave of 2008 sets. Hopefully we'll get them all done before the second barrage comes at us. Thanks again to all the staff that have been reviewing sets!


Speaking of the second wave of sets, ToyFair is now only two weeks away! I will be attending as I have for the best few years, and joining me for the first time will be our newest reporter, Andrew M, aka Smeagol4. It should be a fun time in the greatest city in the world. Oh and speaking of New York, go Giants!



Come on guys, let's get us some questions!


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that wraps things up for this week. I hope you enjoy tomorrow's review, and for those of you that are football fans, enjoy the big game on Sunday - I hope I do!


Recommended Comments

Ah good, I'm glad that Icarax will be reviewed soon. I haven't been able to find him yet, but when I do, I want to make sure he's worth the money.

Glad to hear that there have been no virus incidents. :)

Great job with keeping on top of the reviews by the way.


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You should totally get name tags that say "Hello! My name is Andrew One" and "Hello! My name is Andrew Too." :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Our coverage will be labeled "Toy Fair 2008: Attack of the Andrews." We'll have T-shirts made up and everything. The world will be ours.

I've often dreamed of this day.

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