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Thats Not My Department

Spoony Bard


So I work in Grocery at Walmart, mainly frozen foods. That is all I do, is grocery. That is all I know, is grocery (to a point, I am still learning).


One thing I don't get is when I am asked where things are, and they aren't even related to my department.


Like for example, I head to clock out for my break, and I am pulled aside for a question about gift registry. I am gonna be completely honest, I am a instock associate (which says so on my badge). What would I know about gift registry, especially when I parade myself around grocery?


Another thing. When I stock food, I am asked for something so small and simple that is obviously not in my department (such as toothpicks). Why can't people go to an area they think it would be in and ask there? I only stock food, not know where rugs are.




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Thats why I want a job somewhere where I know where everything is.


And of course they aren't hiring. <_<


Plus, until recent, I didn't know they put employees in different departments of items, an most likely neither would your average costumer.


Culpa sua, Omi. Culpa sua. (its Brazilian Portuguese, figure it out. You live in Mass after all)



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The common misconception is that the store would endeavour to inform its employees about the general areas of the entire store, not just their departments. While this is a lovely idea it's not practical. But the common layman who has never worked in retail doesn't know this. The people can't be blamed for their ignorance. It's not their fault.


Blame Schizo instead!

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You know, my sister works in Walgreens, and whenever they ask her something that has nothing to do with her, they get ticked off.


This also happened with my other sister when she was working on a cruise ship, and they had to wear name tags when they went on shore, and people kept on asking her questions when she was walking in a store, and they, too, were ticked off.

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So what was your reply to the question about gift registry?


This is why I'm hesitant about getting a job at Barnes and Nobel or somewhere. I bet people will ask me about sections I don't even know.



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So what was your reply to the question about gift registry?

I was like "I dunno", and suggested I'd go find an associate who would. That is when they were like "oh that is ok, we will find someone".


And then I booked it out of there.



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So what was your reply to the question about gift registry?


This is why I'm hesitant about getting a job at Barnes and Nobel or somewhere. I bet people will ask me about sections I don't even know.



Uh, don't you learn the Dewey Decimal system in libraries and book stores?

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...And this is why I am thankful that the place that I'm hoping to get a job at is small and I've spent enought time there to know where everything is.


But is your Wal-Mart a big one? Mine isn't, and I've got the layout mapped out in my head. So if yours isn't too big, perhaps it might be an idea to try and get a rough idea of where stuff is so you can point people in the right direction. And earn smiles and thanks. :)


Unless they're just rude and self-centered and couldn't care less that you helped them, as long as they get what they want. Then I, in your situation, would see no problem in giving them a helpful boot in the direction of what they want. So then when the manager comes with the complaints, you can still say that you were helpful. :D

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So very true. Today, for a time, I was stuck in Jewelry. I knew nothing. Of course... no one was in our store that really knew...


Needless to say I asked management if I could leave early. They said yes, so I did.


Huzzah for small Wal-Marts!



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But is your Wal-Mart a big one? Mine isn't, and I've got the layout mapped out in my head. So if yours isn't too big, perhaps it might be an idea to try and get a rough idea of where stuff is so you can point people in the right direction. And earn smiles and thanks. :)

It is a Supercenter. One side is a regular Walmart stuff. Other side is like a grocery store.



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I swear, I have one around an hour away from me, and it's GREAT. Me and my parents usually spend around $100... :P


Anyway, that's why when I call Wal-Mart I don't like being directed to Electronics when i ask for Toys, then they won't have a clue what i mean.


I assume you'll be using your employee discount to buy video games, right? :P (FF4DS should come out soon. ;))





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Oh...I went to a supercenter once in Ohio.


I felt insignificant compared to its overwhelming size.


Perhaps you could show them the handy signs which say what the contents of each aisle are? I mean, seriously, they're right there for people to use, why don't they use them?

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I assume you'll be using your employee discount to buy video games, right? :P (FF4DS should come out soon. ;))

Walmart and games don't click well for me. I go to EB for my FF stuff.



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Wait, wait. There are people who don't live five minutes from a Wal*Mart Supercenter, let alone five of them??? :blink:


This is unfathomable to me...


I have the same problem when I'm home and workin' it at Super Target. I work in the Starbucks, why in the world would I know what's on sale in the retail part of the store? I can tell you what's on sale inside Starbucks...

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I can understand your frustration. But as Smeag said, you can't blame them for their ignorance :P .


Over at Joe's Crabshack, I bus and I host. I can't tell how many times 1 of 2 things happens:


1) I'm bussing a table and seating tables as I have been all night and somebody asks me if I can take their food/alcohol order. I'm not even 18 and I'm obviously not a server (I don't have the aprin/pouch), so why ask me?


2) I get a phone call asking if we have all you can eat crab legs... crab legs are $5 a cluster for us and that's just snow crab (the cheapest kind). And we're not even a buffet.


Like I said, I understand your frustration of other's ignorance.


- :t::l::h:

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This is one thing i can totally agree with you. i work in a PHARMACY and people treat us like we are a service desk and get ticked off when we have no idea where gillete fusion razors are and what the sale on them is this week. I deal with this every day. The only way to cope is to learn your store over time and "try" to help.

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Yeah, we have a supercenter where I live too, and it took a while to learn my way around. I agree, most people probably assume that all Wal-mart employees know where everything is, simply because they work there.

Unfortunately, I am guilty of doing the same thing several years ago when I was young and immature. It was my Mom's birthday, and I ask a guy stocking shelves in the bleach and laundry detergent isles where to find dish towels. :D

My bad.


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The common misconception is that the store would endeavour to inform its employees about the general areas of the entire store, not just their departments. While this is a lovely idea it's not practical. But the common layman who has never worked in retail doesn't know this. The people can't be blamed for their ignorance. It's not their fault.

I don't visit walmart but any other large store I've been to the employees know where all the stuff is located unless they are in training or something...

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I have the same problem when I'm home and workin' it at Super Target. I work in the Starbucks, why in the world would I know what's on sale in the retail part of the store? I can tell you what's on sale inside Starbucks...

Okay, now that's just bad. I an see someone asking Omi where something is in the Wal-mart, because he works there, but why on earth would ask a Starbucks employee? Even the Starbucks is in the store.

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I have the same problem when I'm home and workin' it at Super Target. I work in the Starbucks, why in the world would I know what's on sale in the retail part of the store? I can tell you what's on sale inside Starbucks...


I had the same problem only the starbucks was in a Safeway and it was mandatory for us (if we were asked) to take them to a item when they asked where it was (can you spell lame?).

I'm glad I quit


Lady Ranna

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So what was your reply to the question about gift registry?


This is why I'm hesitant about getting a job at Barnes and Nobel or somewhere. I bet people will ask me about sections I don't even know.



Uh, don't you learn the Dewey Decimal system in libraries and book stores?

We went over the system in probably 6th or 7th grade, 5-6 years ago. So I've forgotten it.


But I didn't know book stores used it. That's interesting.



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I'm not entirely sure, actually. If it's Borders, they could just use the free to use computers that they usually have in those stores, but if it's B&N... I dunno. I guess you'd become used to what goes where.

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Working in a bookstore must suck when it comes to plugging (putting an item in the wrong section). You will literally have to browse each shelf to make sure each book is in the right spot. :P



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First, does Wal-mart hire at 14? If so, how much do they pay, cause I've been looking for a job...


Next, some would say "Their the 'American i.diot' Green Day sings about in that song". If I got the songs meaning right though, thats referring to people who listen to everything the media tells them, as well as what any politician tells them. So the simple answer is out.


The next answer, one I find myself having when having trouble with, is actually finding someone. It may just be my local Wal-mart, but whenever I go there, when I need something, I have to hunt for an employee. When I find one, unless their with a customer, I ask where it is. So there ya go Shilo, hope that helps.


As for the toothpick scenario, it's small. In a store like Wal-mart, without working there, you find a jar of toothpicks. ;)

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