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At A Loss

Kevin Owens


I have a problem and I need you guys to remedy it. You see, I was thinking last night that I really need to get a "This blog is aproved by ______" image. Two problems.


1. I don't want my aproval to end up like something like the proto system in which respect is given to those that are aproved more than others.


2. I change my username so much its not really practical to have one. I would have to update it every fourty-five days.


What do I do?




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Well, the only thing I can think of off the bat is to keep either your screenname, or blog name the same and title along the lines of that, or something. For the later, you would do something like "Technologic Seal of Approval".


Or, you could do something like "Seal of Awesomeness", or something unique as to give the seal it's own unique identity, since the alternatives are rather unlikely.


However, you could also change your screenname back to "Comrade Desu", or "SomethingDesuSuchAndSuch" like you did before.






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Well, the only thing I can think of off the bat is to keep either your screenname, or blog name the same and title along the lines of that, or something. For the later, you would do something like "Technologic Seal of Approval".


Or, you could do something like "Seal of Awesomeness", or something unique as to give the seal it's own unique identity, since the alternatives are rather unlikely.


However, you could also change your screenname back to "Comrade Desu", or "SomethingDesuSuchAndSuch" like you did before.






To tell the truth, I can't keep a good username down. I trade mine in as soon as my 45 days are up. Heck, I'm kinda itching to do it now.


Seal of awesomeness does to be the best bet at this point.

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