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The Silent Hat Club

ToM Dracone


Because I have nothing else to blog about at the moment, I must declare that "unruly pasta drawing," "gratuitous cookie banner," and "distressed papaya" are absolutely some of the funniest phrases I've ever heard in my life. Those and some from the following incidents:


Leigh Ann: "Did I just hear the word 'shoulder nugget'?"

Lowell: "Yes. Yes you did."


Lowell: "Did you just say 'cold war unicorns'?"

Leigh Ann: "I did."


Me: "Did I hear you say 'silent hat club'?"

Leigh Ann: "...No. Not at all."


I love my grade. Even if Leigh Ann isn't in it. And, because it's hilarious:

Ally: *walks up behind Henry and hugs him*

Henry: "...Unhand me, wench."


I've also been doodling designs for the three remaining Kanohi Nuva "Phantoka" (since I'm not sure if the summer name is legit to post yet). I have the Hau down, borrowing a vague idea from the real form, but mostly of my own modification from the original Hau Nuva; the Kaukau I just based on Tanma's mask; and the Pakari I used an "air intake" design on – you know, keeping the "flying" look – since the "eyebrows" of the Pakari Nuva can be extended quite nicely to form something like that. The rest of the mask would be fairly diferent, but that's a basic idea. Anyway, all of those (except Tahu's) will probably be modified come ToyFair and real pictures of their masks.


I love biscuits...

~ ToM


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You know, that would've been the main banner for that contest (as in the one that goes at the top of all contest-related topics) if I hadn't forgotten how short June could be...


No, really. Honest.

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You know, that would've been the main banner for that contest (as in the one that goes at the top of all contest-related topics) if I hadn't forgotten how short June could be...


No, really. Honest.

I have no idea what you're talking about, Tufi.



ToM, are you in Drama at school? A bunch of my friends are and we're all crazy, saying stuff like "unhand me, wench" or similar.



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CF ~ XD!! at that quote, and no, I'm not in Drama... but my friends and I are also all crazy!


Tufi ~ I had wondered about that banner for a long time. It's still a great banner, tho'.

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