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In All The Worlds

Tufi Piyufi


the list of one Ms. L. Piyufi's
Favouritest Fictional Characters In The Whole Wide Worlds
an assuredly-incomplete catalogue

Milo Bloom
Princess Elizabeth (The Paper Bag Princess)
Mike Warner
Samus Aran
The Ellimist
Emily the Strange
Nocturn (done properly)
Blanche Hunt
Bob 'That Guy' Smith
Every Red Version Narrator Ever
Optimus Prime
Princess Leia
Neo Cortex
Frank Costanza
Alyosha (as written by Mr. Durang, thank ye)
Samantha Carter
The Brain
Rodney McKay
Jay Sherman

I'm gonna cut it off there for now.

The above is a list of the many characters I have encountered over the years who I simply love to bits. Seriously, something bringing all these guys into one place would be beyond awesome. You might never see me again. I'd likely die happy. This list contains a mix of characters I'd love to have as friends, characters I'd love to have as family, characters I wouldn't mind snuggling up with, characters I can look at and go 'that's me!', and characters who are just plain awesome.

One is already given to you. Bet you can't figure out where the rest are from.


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"What are we going to do tomorrow night Brain?"

"The same thing we do every night Pinky; TRY AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"


I got about eleven characters, I'm sure I could get more if my memory wasn't so selective.

EDIT: twelve. I skipped Sheogorath.

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Let's see, I can identify what three of them are from: Optimus Prime, from Transformers, and every Atlantis fan's favorite pair of scientists (Excluding Zelenca, who isn't on there. Shocking. :o), Sam and Rodney (Or Carter and Mckay, depending on how you know them).

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Samus Aran-Metroid Games

The Ellimist-Animorphs

Sheogorath-The Elder Scrolls

Nocturn- The Bionicle one, right?

Rufus-Everyone's favorite naked mole rat!

Optimus Prime-Transformers

Princess Leia-Star Wars

Samantha Carter-Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis

Pinky and the Brain-Cartoon characters

Rodney McKay-A couple of side appearances on SG-1 before he graduated to full-time character in Stargate Atlantis


I got eleven. :D

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"That thing you burnt up isn't important to me. It's the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit. It makes shoes for orphans. Nice job breaking it, Hero."

GLaDOS is amazing.


And do Jesse and James happen to be the ones from Pokemon. If so, they're awesome too. :P


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Why Tufi, I didn't know you were down with The Elder Scrolls.


Also, I got a whopping 15 of em.

This is of course, assuming that you meant Lyra from Full Metal Alchemist, if not, only 14.

Surprised nobody, to my knowledge, knew who Frank Costanza was. You've gotta love Jerry Stiller.

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Frank Costanza... hmm...


Based off the guy on the top 10 Most Wanted List, Whitie Bulger...


He killed over 100 people in cold blood...



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How can you have Jessie and James and not have Meowth? :(

Bah. Fear not, he's on for the updated list.


Meowth is so cool :P But yeah, how could you?

And what about the SIMPSONS? I thought you liked them :P

Not sure if there's anyone I'd put on this list, though...


Lyra Silvertongue For. The. Win.


Also Iorek





Also, Rufus is being misinterpreted. Think excellency.

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For including Jesse, James and Dr. Cortex:




Also, when you mention Nocturn, what do you mean by 'done properly'?



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Frank Costanza... hmm...


Based off the guy on the top 10 Most Wanted List, Whitie Bulger...


He killed over 100 people in cold blood...



Um... Seinfeld?



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