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Devlog #1: A New Frontier



Welcome to the first entry of my Devlog. In this issue, I'm going to introduce the software I'm using to create the new version of Mata Zuto 2: The Infestation:


When I first joined in Summer 2002, the first topic I posted in was Flow of the River, the very first fan-created game on BZPower. That Digital RPG was created with a simple and primitive Windows application called "RPG Maker 95", released in 1997 by ASCII (currently called Enterbrain). Now, there are 4 other programs made by this company that are/were on the market: RPG Maker 2000, 2003, RPG Maker XP, and brand-new VX. The "new frontier" I'm going to show you now is RPG Maker XP.


It's not that new anymore, but for those who've used older RPG Maker programs or played games from those, you'll notice the many differences that this program has from its predecessors.


Now, I'll go over what Mata Zuto 2: The Infestation is about. The sequel to the recently finished Fall of the Conqueror, the perspective changes from the views of the Toa to the views of the Matoran. In an effort to avenge the fallen Makuta, a monstrous follower named Nui Laka awakens the Bohrok Swarms and allows them to ravage the villages on Mata Nui. In order to stop the Swarms, the Guardsman Aft has to take one Matoran from every village and retrieve special Krana Xa from the six Bohrok. Once all six Krana Xa are retrieved, they can be used as keys to open up the Exo-Toa chambers that are needed in order for the Toa Mata to face the Bahrag, the leaders of the Bohrok Swarms. However, Nui Laka has plans of his own: knowing the inner mechanisms of the Bohrok, Nui Laka plans to create a new breed of Bohrok that will overthrow the Bahrag and "restore order" on Mata Nui.


The story will become much more complex than that as you get deeper into the RPG. Twists, turns, romance, betrayal, and lots of adventure!


For the last month, I've been doing a lot for this game. Starting with graphics, I've converted simple graphics from kits and from Fall of the Conqueror so that they'll look okay in RMXP (RPG Maker XP). One thing to note is that RMXP is the first RPG Maker program to allow 24-bit graphics (including JPEGs). Here's a shot of the main interface. I personally think the new Matoran charasets are spiffy, and I hope others will enjoy them too. I won't show them clearly just yet though, I have other things. ;)


One of the greatest innovations was the adding of the RGSS (Ruby Scripting) to the program, allowing experienced users to go beyond the limits of the maker. I've tried that many times before with past engines, and not only were they exceedingly difficult, but they didn't always work either. With RMXP, you truly are free to do as you please.


Right now, I'm about to finish up the Lehvak Nest, which is part of the Air Temple that was visited in Fall of the Conqueror. Every "dungeon" in The Infestation has a special theme to it, whether it's avoiding booby traps (as in the Air Temple), or some storyline trivia (as in the Gahlok Nest). I've added tons of stuff to my most recent dungeon. As I said earlier, many the player will have to use his logic and timing in order to dodge the many hidden booby traps that are designed to eliminate the characters. Once the Lehvak Nest is completed, I have to start the coding for the Kahu, which the Order of Peace will receive as a reward for defeating the Lehvak. I should hopefully complete that entire system (which will be similar to the Highwind in FF7 or to Flammie in Secret of Mana), in one day so I can move on. Afterwards is about mapping Ko-Wahi, Ko-Koro, Mount Ihu, and the Kohrak Nest. I'm also trying to decide what theme it will have. Even after all that, I'll still only be about 45% finished with the game as a whole. I'm only putting in the skeleton for the game, and I plan to go back and add cutscenes, special effects, and other systems to enhance the RPG. Once that's finished, I'll up be up to the final "dungeon" where you fight Buzzkill and Roadkill. That's about 90%, and then there's the final battles and the credits. Sounds simple, and I hope it will be. I'd like to complete this game very soon.


Thanks for reading, and be sure to read what's up next week when I (hopefully) show you how I code the Kahu summoning/riding system. :bigsmile:


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Interesting. What's RPG Maker like? Is it like the game for the PlayStation that was released years ago, but simpler and better? Or am I thinking of something else?

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Interesting. What's RPG Maker like? Is it like the game for the PlayStation that was released years ago, but simpler and better? Or am I thinking of something else?

RPG Maker's not a game, you know. It's a program for game making.


Anyways... that sneak-peek screenshot doesn't have me see much. Kahu Riding system? Um, you just can't stop making games with those get-to-another-location-fast systems, eh? :P Yep, I'd like to see what'll the RMXP version will be like.


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... I know that. But there was a Playstation thing(Which I found out is kinda the same...) a few years ago, in 2001, that was like this. I didn't say it WAS a game.

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... I know that. But there was a Playstation thing(Which I found out is kinda the same...) a few years ago, in 2001, that was like this. I didn't say it WAS a game.

Sorry, English just isn't my mothertongue, so sometimes I get mixed up...

I think, RPG Maker had a version on Playstation...


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Interesting. What's RPG Maker like? Is it like the game for the PlayStation that was released years ago, but simpler and better? Or am I thinking of something else?


No, this is better (IMO, but I don't really know). RMXP has a coding language, so you could easily push and go past the limits of RPG Maker, making platform games and whatnot (though that's also possible in RPG Maker 2003, but we'll let that go). :P

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